Friday, October 30, 2009

Calculating UPS Shipping Rate in C#

Some useful links for doing UPS shipping rate calculations.

  • UPS Rates & Service Selection
    The XML service for retrieving the rate data
    Look for
    /Developers Guide/RSS_Tool_06_10_09.pdf
    in the zip.
  • Use the Xml Schemas/DataTypes support utility (xsd.exe) from the Visual Studio command prompt to generate classes that you can pass through the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer class straight to a HttpWebRequest RequestStream or from the corresponding ResponseStream.
    • xsd.exe RateRequest_external.xsd /classes /l:cs /n:FishOfPrey.SampleNamespace
    • xsd.exe RateResponse_external.xsd /classes /l:cs /n:FishOfPrey.SampleNamespace

Friday, October 23, 2009

SOQL Pagination for Salesforce API queries with the S4S Data Connector

At the start of the month I asked a question of Stack Overflow about how to efficiently page through SOQL results. See Stack Overflow : SOQL Pagination for Salesforce API queries. As at today I haven't received any answers. There is Salesforce Ideas : SOQL Request: allow greater-than, less-than WHERE conditions for Id fields, but it requires starting a new query for each page.

I've taken a different approach with the Sitecore for Salesforce Data Connector (DC). Using the QueryResultPager I can jump to any page in the query results with minimal overhead.

The following is an example of paging over 10,000 Salesforce Leads from C#. In real world ASP.NET examples the QueryResultPager would be persisted between requests. The performance is a respectable 10 seconds in the debug build, which I think is pretty good considering I'm jumping all over the place with the page index and page size. More linear paging performs better.

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; //Only used for the Assert in the example
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities;
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Services;


public void LeadsPagination()
    SalesforceSession salesforceSession = new SalesforceSession(
        new LoginDetails("", "salesforcePassword"));
    LeadDataSource leadDataSource = new LeadDataSource(salesforceSession);
    string[] requiredLeadFields = new string[] { "Id", "Name", "Email", "Description" };
    QueryResultPager pager = leadDataSource.GetPager(requiredLeadFields);

    Assert.IsTrue(pager.TotalRecordCount > 10000, "The total number of records");

    var firstPage = pager.GetPage(salesforceSession, 0, 10); //Records 0 to 9
    List leads = leadDataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult(firstPage);

    var randomPage = pager.GetPage(salesforceSession, 30, 100); //Records 3000 to 3099
    leads = leadDataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult(randomPage);

    randomPage = pager.GetPage(salesforceSession, 1, 150); //Records 150 to 299
    leads = leadDataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult(randomPage);

    randomPage = pager.GetPage(salesforceSession, 17, 15); //Records 255 to 269
    leads = leadDataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult(randomPage);

    randomPage = pager.GetRecords(salesforceSession, pager.TotalRecordCount - 101, pager.TotalRecordCount - 1); //The last 100 leads
    leads = leadDataSource.EntitysFromQueryResult(randomPage);

Behind the scenes this is sending the SOQL query select Id, Name, Email, Description from Lead and then utilizing the QueryLocator.

For Salesforce Organizations with customizations, like fields, you would use the T4 generated classes that match your org rather than those in FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities.
NB: These code snippets are applicable to the current 1.0.5 release.

Finding an existing Salesforce Account using the S4S Data Connector

The following is an example of creating a new Salesforce Account from C# using the Sitecore for Salesforce Data Connector (DC).

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; //Only used for the Assert in the example
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities;
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Services;


public void CreateAccount()
    SalesforceSession salesforceSession = new SalesforceSession(
        new LoginDetails("", "salesforcePassword"));
    AccountService accountService = new AccountService(salesforceSession);
    string accountNameToFind = "FuseIT";
    Account matchingAccount = accountService.GetSingleByFieldEquals("Name", accountNameToFind);
    Assert.AreEqual(accountNameToFind, matchingAccount.Name);

For Salesforce Organizations with customizations, like fields, you would use the T4 generated classes that match your org rather than those in FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities.
NB: These code snippets are applicable to the current 1.0.5 release.

Creating a new Salesforce Account using the S4S Data Connector

The following is an example of creating a new Salesforce Account from C# using the Sitecore for Salesforce Data Connector (DC).
NB: These code snippets are applicable to the current 1.0.5 release.

For Salesforce Organizations with customizations, like fields, you would use the T4 generated classes that match your org rather than those in FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities.

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; //Only used for the Assert in the example
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Entities;
using FuseIT.Sitecore.SalesforceConnector.Services;


public void CreateAccount()
    Account account = new Account();
    account.Name = "FuseIT";

    SalesforceSession salesforceSession = new SalesforceSession(
        new LoginDetails("", "salesforcePassword"));
    AccountService accountService = new AccountService(salesforceSession);

    var saveResult = accountService.Insert(account);
    string newAccountId = null;
    if (saveResult.success)
         newAccountId = account.Id;

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sitecore CMS 6 - Pagination from the shell User Manager with a custom Membership Provider

When I connected a custom Membership Provider to Sitecore.NET 6.1.0 (rev. 090821) I noticed the performance was degrading badly as the number of custom members increased. Some investigation into the calls coming out of Sitecore showed that pageIndex was always 0 and the pageSize always int.MaxValue regardless of the actual page required. I.e.:

//Sitecore requests the first 15 records - expected pageIndex = 0, pageSize = 15
CustomMembershipProvider.GetAllUsers(int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, out int totalRecords);

//Sitecore requests the second 15 records - expected pageIndex = 1, pageSize = 15
CustomMembershipProvider.GetAllUsers(int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, out int totalRecords); 

//Sitecore requests the third 15 records  - expected pageIndex = 2, pageSize = 15
CustomMembershipProvider.GetAllUsers(int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, out int totalRecords); 


I checked with Sitecore and this is a known issue that will be resolved in an upcoming release. In the short term it can be patched by adding the ManualPaging="true" attribute to the ComponentArt Grid in \sitecore\shell\Applications\Security\UserManager\UserManager.aspx.

Friday, October 16, 2009

ASP.NET Enumerate profile properties

    var propertyNames = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    var profileSection = (System.Web.Configuration.ProfileSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/profile");
    foreach (ProfilePropertySettings propertyDefinition in profileSection.PropertySettings)
        var customProviderData = propertyDefinition.CustomProviderData;

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException and HttpContext Trace

Recently I started getting the following error from UpdatePanels in a ASP.NET site.

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '[initialvalue']|""|<div id="__asptrace"'.

Happily the error message pretty much points me straight at the issue: "server trace is enabled" and "__asptrace".

Turning the ASP.NET server trace off resolves the issue.

<trace enabled="true" pageOutput="false" requestLimit="40" traceMode="SortByTime" localOnly="true"/>

Monday, October 12, 2009

Accessing Session values for a HTTP Handler (ASHX)

When converting from a ASPX to ASHX for returning image data I ran into an issue with the HttpContext session being null. Turns out I just needed to add the IReadOnlySessionState interface to my IHttpHandler implementation.

An HTTP handler that needs to access session-state values must implement the IRequiresSessionState interface. Like INamingContainer, it's a marker interface and requires no method implementation. Note that the IRequiresSessionState interface indicates that the HTTP handler requires read and write access to the session state. If read-only access is needed, use the IReadOnlySessionState interface instead.
MSDN: Writing HTTP Handlers

Scott Hanselman: Getting Session State in HttpHandlers (ASHX files)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Blog Disclaimer

After reading Computer World - Opinion: Website disclaimers – yes, they do work I thought it might be sensible to add a disclaimer that states users should "make their own, independent inquiries before acting on any information" [on this site] and that "all information is of a general nature only and must not be taken as advice.". A quick Google however turned up a much more thorough definition. Full credit goes to Herche’s Blog Disclaimer (hereafter “this website”) will abide by, adhere to, accept responsibility for, endure under and act with respect toward the following weblog disclaimer:

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