This is a reference to some common and more obscure Salesforce key prefixes that I've encountered. (Last updated for Spring `21)
You may like to vote for the idea: Provide an Admin page that lists all the accessible key prefixes within an Org
What is a key prefix? You can get an overview of how Salesforce Id's are composed in the linked Salesforce StackExchange question.
The short version looks like this:
- KKK - the key prefix unique to the entity type. E.g. 006 is an Opportunity
- PP - Pod Identifier. E.g. the na2 instance will use
- RR - Reserved for future system use. Default to
- NNNNNNNN - Unique alpha numeric identifier.
- SSS - Optional 3 character suffix to make Id's case-insensitive.
Key Prefix | Object Type | Notes |
000 | EmptyKey | Ref |
001 | Account | |
002 | Note | Doc |
003 | Contact | |
005 | User | |
006 | Opportunity | |
007 | Activity | |
008 | OpportunityHistory | |
00B | ListView | |
00C | DeleteEvent | /DELETE_EVENT |
00D | Organization | |
00E | UserRole | |
00F | QUEUE | - TDC |
00G | Group | |
00I | Partner | Also OpportunityPartner, which "is automatically created when a Partner object is created for a partner relationship between an account and an opportunity" |
00I | AccountPartner | /Partner |
00I | OpportunityPartner | /Partner |
00J | OpportunityCompetitor | |
00K | OpportunityContactRole | |
00M | MobileSettingsAssignment | |
00N | CustomFieldDefinition | - Setup > Create > Objects > [Your Object] > [Your Field] |
00O | Report | |
00P | Attachment | |
00Q | Lead | |
00R | MassOperationsSubsetResults | |
00S | ImportQueue | |
00T | Task | |
00U | Event | Doc |
00X | EmailTemplate | |
00Y | EmailTemp | |
00a | COMMENTS | |
00a | CaseComment | or IdeaComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00a | IdeaComment | or CaseComment Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
00b | WebLink | - Custom Button or Link - CUSTOM_RESOURCE_LINK |
00c | Training | |
00d | AutomatedProcessUserId | TBC - In v48, User.UserName field for Automated Process user is autoproc@00d0q0000000okqeaq |
00e | Profile | |
00f | MH_BLUESHEET | |
00g | MH_GOLDSHEET | |
00h | Layout | - Page Layout |
00i | Pricebook | |
00k | OpportunityLineItem | |
00l | Folder | |
00o | OpportunityLineItemSchedule | Doc Represents information about the quantity, revenue distribution, and delivery dates for a particular OpportunityLineItem. Products, Price Books, and Schedules Overview |
00p | UserTeamMember | |
00q | OpportunityTeamMember | Doc - "This object is available only in organizations that have enabled team selling." |
00r | AccountShare | |
00s | AccountOwnerSharingRule | |
00t | OpportunityShare | |
00u | OpportunityOwnerSharingRule | |
00v | CampaignMember | |
00w | MassOperationsNotification | / PAYMENT_APPLICATION |
010 | CaseSolution | |
011 | GroupMember | |
012 | RecordType | |
013 | RecordTypePicklist | |
014 | ProfileRecordType | |
015 | Document | |
016 | BrandTemplate | Doc (Letterhead) |
017 | EntityHistory | Prefix for all xxxHistory objects (Standard/custom) except OpportunityHistory which is 008 |
018 | EmailStatus | |
019 | BusinessProcess | |
01A | BusinessProcessPicklist | |
01B | LayoutSection | |
01C | LayoutItem | |
01D | UserAccountTeamMember | |
01E | EntityAttributes | |
01G | ProfileLayout | |
01H | MailmergeTemplate | |
01I | CustomEntityDefinition | a.k.a. External Object |
01J | PicklistMaster | Use caution as there are at least two object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
01J | LeadStatus | /PicklistMaster |
01J | OpportunityStage | /PicklistMaster |
01K | ActivityMetricRollupBase | |
01L | CurrencyType | |
01M | AccountTeamMember | |
01N | Scontrol | |
01P | PermissionSetTabSetting | |
01Q | WorkflowRule | /AssignmentRule Docs |
01Q | AssignmentRule | |
01R | RuleFilter | |
01S | RuleFilterItem | |
01T | RuleFilterAction | |
01U | ActionAssignEscalate | |
01V | ActionTask | |
01W | ActionEmail | |
01X | ActionEmailRecipient | |
01Y | CampaignMemberStatus | |
01Z | Dashboard | Doc |
01a | DashboardComponent | |
01b | ListViewCriterion | |
01c | ListViewDisplayColumn | |
01e | PicklistSet | |
01f | Scorecard | / WEBEX_MEETING |
01g | API_QUERY | The first part of the QueryLocatory returned for an API SOQL query that needs to be paged. |
01h | Translation | |
01j | LocalizedValue | |
01k | FieldPermissions | a.k.a. PROFILE_FLS_ITEM |
01l | ActionResponse | |
01m | BusinessHours | |
01n | CaseShare | |
01o | LeadShare | |
01p | ApexClass | Doc |
01q | ApexTrigger | |
01r | CustomTabDefinition | Visualforce Tab |
01s | Pricebook2 | |
01t | Product2 | |
01u | PricebookEntry | |
01v | PricebookShare | |
01w | OpportunityUpdateReminder | |
01y | CaseOwnerSharingRule | |
01z | CaseEscalation | |
020 | ExternalIdMap | /EventAttendee |
022 | FiscalYearSettings | |
023 | Calendar | |
024 | CalendarShare | |
025 | ListLayoutItem | |
026 | Period | |
02A | LeadOwnerSharingRule | |
02B | LabelDefinition | |
02C | LabelData | |
02D | CaseHistory2 | |
02F | CustomFieldMap | |
02G | TenantSecret | |
02H | EltWorkflowJobDetail | /MH_GOLD_PROGRAM |
02I | InsightsApplication | /MH_GOLD_INFORMATION |
02J | RecommendationAudience | |
02K | Dataflow | MH_GOLD_ACTION |
02L | DataflowVersion | /MH_CUSTOMER_CRITERION |
02M | DatasetAccess | /MH_GREENSHEET |
02N | ContentLogMetricsByOrg | |
02O | DatasetRegister | /MH_GREEN_GET_INFO |
02P | DataflowGroupMember | /MH_CONTACT_ROLE |
02Q | DataflowGroupDependency | /MH_INFORMATION |
02T | CustomPage | |
02U | CustomPageItem | |
02V | PageComponent | |
02W | DataflowGroupTrigger | |
02X | CustomPageProfile | |
02Y | UserComponentData | |
02Z | AccountContactRole | |
02a | ContractContactRole | |
02b | ComponentResourceLink | |
02c | SharingRule | |
02c | VoiceCallRecordingShare | |
02c | VoiceCallShare | |
02d | DIVISION | |
02f | DelegateGroup | |
02g | DelegateGroupMember | |
02h | DelegateGroupGrant | |
02i | Asset | |
02k | ListLayout | |
02m | CustomIndex | |
02n | CategoryNode | |
02o | CategoryData | |
02p | DivTransferEvent | |
02q | LayoutItemColumn | |
02r | OpportunityAlert | |
02s | EmailMessage | |
02t | EmailRoutingAddress | |
02u | TabSet | AKA. Apps |
02v | TabSetMember | |
02w | LoginIpRange | |
02x | LoginHours | |
02y | ReportAggregate | |
02z | ReportColorRange | |
030 | DataflowRequest | /PROFILE_TAB_SET |
033 | AllPackage | Package being built in the developer org |
033 | MetadataPackage | |
034 | PackageMember | |
035 | SelfServiceUser | |
036 | DataAssessmentConfigItem | |
037 | ReportColumn | |
038 | ReportFilterItem | |
039 | ReportBreak | |
03A | CalendarView | /Calendar2/CustomObjectCalendar |
03B | CalendarModel | |
03C | DataflowInstance | |
03D | ContactOwnerSharingRule | |
03E | GatherStatsTaskInfo | |
03G | AccountCriteriaSharingRule | |
03H | ContactCriteriaSharingRule | |
03I | CaseCriteriaSharingRule | |
03J | ChatterMessage | |
03K | ChatterMessageThread | |
03L | DataflowNode | |
03M | ChatterConversation | |
03N | ChatterConversationMember | |
03O | CardPaymentMethod | |
03P | DataAssessmentMetric | |
03Q | DataAssessmentFieldMetric | |
03R | DataAssessmentValueMetric | |
03S | ContentAsset | |
03U | DataAssessmentBIMetrics | |
03V | CampaignInfluenceModel | |
03Y | InteractionScreenRule | |
03Z | InteractionScreenRuleAction | |
03a | DependentPicklist | |
03b | SubscriberPackageVersionInstallRequest | |
03c | LayoutRightPanel | |
03d | ValidationFormula | Validation Rule |
03e | CustomSetupDefinition | |
03f | CustomSetup | |
03g | QueueSobject | |
03h | ExternalServiceAction | |
03i | ConsoleConfig | |
03j | CaseContactRole | |
03k | ConsoleConfigItem | |
03m | ExternalServiceType | |
03n | ApexClassIdentifier | |
03o | ExternalActionParameter | |
03q | ApexClassIdentifierRelationship | |
03r | AssignedResource | |
03s | ContactShare | |
03u | UserPreference | |
03v | Package2Member | |
040 | ReportParam | |
043 | OutboundField | |
044 | ExternalizedReference | |
045 | PartnerNetworkSetup | |
049 | OpportunitySplit | |
04B | Bookmark | |
04E | SandOmObserver | |
04F | LoginGeo | |
04G | DatacloudIndustryCode | |
04H | InstanceDirective | |
04I | EmbeddedServiceConfig | |
04P | PartnerNetworkConnection | Doc |
04Q | LearningItem | /LogAnalysisRun |
04R | LearningLink | /LogAnalysisItem |
04V | PartnerNetworkRecordConnection | Doc |
04W | RevenueForecastHistory | |
04X | QuantityForecastHistory | |
04Y | ActionFieldUpdate | Field Update |
04Z | EntityLock | |
04a | ProcessDefinition | |
04b | ProcessNode | |
04c | ProcessTransition | |
04d | ProcessTransitionCondition | |
04e | ProcessActionItem | |
04f | ProcessWorkitemProperties | |
04g | ProcessInstance | |
04h | ProcessInstanceStep | |
04i | ProcessInstanceWorkitem | |
04j | ProcessAllowedSubmitter | |
04k | ActionOutboundMessage | Outbound Message Id |
04l | OutboundMessage | Outbound Notification Id |
04m | AdditionalNumber | |
04n | SoftphoneLayout | |
04o | SoftphoneLayoutSection | |
04p | SoftphoneLayoutItem | |
04q | SoftphoneLayoutInfoField | |
04r | SoftphoneLayoutCallType | |
04s | AsyncRequest | AsyncResult, DeployResult |
04t | AllPackageVersion | Install Package - Subscriber Package Version ID |
04t | MetadataPackageVersion | |
04u | ActionOverride | |
04v | CallCenter | |
04w | DatedConversionRate | |
04x | PackageExtension | |
04y | ListColumn | |
04z | LayoutItemActionRef | |
050 | PackageLicense | |
051 | UserPackageLicense | |
052 | SfdcOutboundMessage | |
053 | WorkflowTimeTrigger | |
054 | WorkflowTimeAction | |
055 | WorkflowTimeQueue | |
056 | ContentTagName | |
057 | ContentDocumentSubscription | |
058 | ContentWorkspace | Doc |
059 | ContentWorkspaceDoc | |
05A | ContentWorkspaceMember | /ContentWorkspaceMembership |
05B | CampaignCriteriaSharingRule | |
05C | ContentVersionComment | |
05D | ContentDistribution | |
05E | AsyncApiBatchOptions | |
05F | ApexTestSuite | |
05G | IpWhitelist | |
05H | ContentDistributionView | |
05I | CampaignSharingRuleFilterItem | |
05J | ContentVersionRating | |
05K | ContentVersionRenditionContent | |
05L | DBCThumbnailFilter | |
05M | Experiment | |
05N | ContentVersionTagName | |
05P | ContentWorkspacePermission | |
05Q | ContentTagSubscription | |
05R | ContentWorkspaceSubscription | |
05S | ContentUserSubscription | |
05T | ContentBody | |
05U | EntityFeedLayout | |
05V | ContentNotification | |
05W | ContentNotificationParam | |
05X | DocumentAttachmentMap | |
05Z | ContentWorkspaceRecentEvent | |
05a | DataStatistics | |
05c | CopyExportChunk2 | |
05d | CopyImportChunk2 | |
05e | CopyEntityTally2 | |
05f | AcceptedRecommendation | |
05g | TwoFactorTempCode | |
05i | Package2Version | Package Version ID |
05j | CommunityTemplateDefinition | |
05k | ColorDefinition | |
05l | CommunityThemeDefinition | |
05m | ApexTestRunResult | |
05n | ApexTestResultLimits | |
05o | EclairNgMapGeoJson | |
05p | EclairNgMap | |
05q | AssistantRecommendation | |
05t | CustomEntityTranslation | |
05v | DataPrepRecipe | |
05y | DirectMessage | |
05z | DirectMessageMember | |
060 | Portal | |
061 | PortalAccount | |
062 | PortalStyleConfig | |
063 | MobileConfig | |
064 | QuerySet | |
065 | QuerySetItem | |
066 | ApexPage | |
067 | PortalMember | |
068 | ContentVersion | |
069 | ContentDocument | |
069 | ContentNote | /ContentDocument |
06A | ContentDocumentLink | |
06B | ContentWorkspaceAllowedRecType | |
06E | DandBCompany | |
06F | EmailCapture | |
06G | CustomConsoleComponent | |
06M | LogoutEvent | BigObjectForReporting |
06N | ApplicationDependency | |
06O | ServiceDeskAttributes | |
06P | Application | Connected App |
06V | InsightsExternalData | |
06W | InsightsExternalDataPart | |
06Y | FeedActionDefinition | |
06a | LocalNamespace | |
06b | FeedActionState | |
06c | EltWorkflowAudit | |
06d | GrantedByLicense | |
06e | DdcProspectorMetrics | |
06f | EdgeMartDataShard | |
06g | EdgeMartDataShardFile | |
06h | FileSearchActivity | |
06i | FlexQueueItem | |
06j | ApexEmailNotification | |
06k | ProfileActionOverride | |
06l | OverridableEntities | |
06m | AppDefinition | |
06n | ServicePresenceStatusInfo | |
06o | AppTabMember | |
06p | NotifTypeUserSetting | |
06q | BackgroundOperationResult | |
06r | AppNotificationType | |
06s | SkinnyTable | |
06t | SkinnyTableField | |
06u | PresenceUserConfigInfo | |
06v | AppNotifTypeUserSetting | |
06w | AppBrand | |
06y | SubscriberPackageVersionUninstallRequest | |
070 | CustomReportType | |
071 | CrtObject | |
072 | CrtColumn | Related to reports in some way. |
073 | CrtLayoutSection | |
074 | CorsWhitelistEntry | |
075 | DuplicateErrorLog | |
076 | RateLimitingNotification | |
077 | ApiCapture | |
078 | ApiUsage | |
079 | MobileMarkedRecord | |
07A | MassMail | |
07D | FeedPostTemplate | |
07E | Sandbox | |
07F | FeedFavorite | |
07G | SummaryRecalcQueue | |
07H | ContentFolder | |
07I | ContentFolderMember | |
07J | ComponentObjectDependency | |
07K | ComponentFeatureDependency | |
07L | ApexLog | |
07M | ApexTestResult | Doc |
07N | ActionLinkTemplateBinding | |
07O | Canvas | |
07P | EntitySizeJob | |
07R | DataCategoryMapping | |
07S | CleanDataService | /CleanDataSource |
07T | AuthConfig | |
07U | AuthConfigProviders | |
07V | ActionSend | |
07W | CustomBrand | |
07X | CustomBrandAsset | |
07Y | CleanRule | BatchOrgSizeJob |
07Z | EntityDataSize | |
07a | ApexDebuggerSession | |
07b | ApexDebuggerBreakpoint | |
07c | ApexDebuggerRequest | |
07d | ApexDebuggerEvent | |
07e | FeedPostTemplateItem | |
07f | BluetailFeedback | |
07g | ActionLinkGroupTemplate | |
07h | ConnectedAppOauthPolicy | |
07i | CleanRule | |
07j | ContentSyncSetting | |
07k | AccountContactRelation | |
07l | ActionLinkTemplate | |
07m | DatacloudAddress | |
07n | ApexExecutionOverlayResult | |
07o | EntityLimit | |
07p | UserAppMenuItem | |
07t | ApiEvent | |
07u | UserEntityAccess | |
07v | ContentFolderLink | |
07w | DatacloudIndustryChapter | |
07x | DatacloudIndustrySubChapter | |
07y | DatacloudIndustryContent | |
07z | DatacloudIndustry | |
080 | PacCrudPermission | |
081 | StaticResource | |
082 | UninstallExport | Data from Uninstalled Packages? A zip containing CSVs. |
083 | Vote | |
084 | VoteConfig | |
085 | VoteStats | |
086 | MobileDevice | |
087 | Idea | |
08C | DatacloudContact | |
08E | AddressCountry | |
08F | AddressState | |
08G | CleanJobLog | |
08H | CleanBatchErrorLog | |
08I | CleanEntityErrorLog | |
08J | EltWorkflowNode | |
08K | DuplicateRuleMatchRule | |
08M | FeedAttachment | |
08N | ExternalEventMapping | |
08O | FTestSystemCatalogEntity | |
08P | BackgroundOperation | |
08Q | ForecastingOwnerAdjustment | |
08R | FeedMute | |
08U | FeedRevision | |
08V | FTestMetadataCatalogEntity | |
08W | DashboardGridLayout | |
08X | DashboardGridComponent | |
08a | CronJobDetail | |
08c | Package2VersionCreateRequest | Package Version Create Request |
08d | CampaignOwnerSharingRule | |
08e | CronTrigger | Doc |
08g | CronFiredTrigger | |
08h | EmbeddedServiceLiveAgent | |
08j | Package2OauthConsumer | |
08k | DimensionCustomAction | |
08l | AQTWorkloadData | |
08n | AqtCompoundRecommendedIndex | |
08o | AqtCreatedIndex | |
08p | ServiceAppointment | |
08q | WorkType | |
08r | AqtLongRunningRequestData | |
08s | CampaignShare | |
08t | AqtRIRequestMap | |
08u | AqtRecommendedIndex | |
08v | AqtAwrData | |
08x | InstancePerm | |
08y | CspTrustedSite | |
090 | MobileExcludedField | |
091 | EmailServicesFunction | |
092 | WeeklyDataExport | |
093 | EmailServicesAddress | |
094 | MobileView | |
095 | MobileViewSortColumn | |
096 | MobileViewDisplayColumn | |
097 | MobileViewFilter | |
098 | GoogleDoc | |
099 | ApexComponent | |
09A | FeedPollChoice | |
09B | FeedPollVote | |
09C | AsyncApiJobMatchDetail | |
09D | QuickActionDefinition | |
09E | AsyncApiBatchMatchDetail | |
09F | DatacloudPurchaseUsage | |
09G | EnvironmentHubInvitation | |
09H | ConnectedApplication2 | |
09I | QuickActionListItem | |
09J | QuickActionList | |
09K | DatacloudCompany | |
09L | ActionFlow | |
09M | ActionFlowParam | |
09N | DatacloudDandBCompany | |
09O | DatacloudOwnedEntity | |
09P | EmailDomainKey | |
09S | AsyncRequestFFX | |
09T | AsyncRequestFFXResult | |
09U | DomainCookieStore | |
09V | DashboardStickyFilter | |
09W | ThirdPartyAccountLinkLocal | |
09X | DcSocialProfileHandle | |
09Y | DcSocialProfile | |
09Z | FeedFilterDefinition | |
09a | Community | |
09d | FeedFilterCriterion | |
09e | InvocableAction | |
09f | InvocableActionParameter | |
09g | InvocableActionPicklist | |
09h | IncrementalCandidate | |
09i | DataAssessmentRecord | |
09j | QoptimizerOption | IpRange |
09k | IconDefinition | |
09l | ApexDebuggerLicense | |
09m | FeedEntityUnpublished | |
09s | MassOperationsJobInfo | |
09t | UiFormulaRule | |
09v | SecurityCustomBaseline | |
09w | IQOpportunityEmailAddress | |
09x | CommunityWorkspacesNode | |
09z | EmbeddedServiceQuickAction | |
0A0 | ReportJob | |
0A1 | ReportJobFieldMap | |
0A2 | DevelopmentPackageVersion | Change Set |
0A3 | InstalledPackageVersion | Installed Package |
0A4 | ProcessTransitionApprover | |
0A5 | AllManagedPackageMember | |
0A7 | CustomShareRowCause | |
0A8 | ReportJobRun | |
0A9 | ReportJobRunError | |
0AB | ProfilePortalDelegate | |
0AD | PackageEvent | |
0AF | FolderShare | |
0AH | CompactLayout | |
0AI | FirehoseCheckpoint | |
0AJ | ComponentInstanceProperty | |
0AK | ComponentInstance | |
0AL | ExternalSocialAccount | |
0AM | CompactLayoutItem | |
0AN | CompactLayoutMapping | |
0AO | CopyExport | |
0AP | CopyImport | |
0AQ | CopyExportChunk | |
0AR | CopyImportChunk | |
0AS | CopyEntityTally | |
0AT | EventLogFile | |
0AU | AuthSecurityLevel | |
0AV | CopyExportObserverInfo | |
0AW | CanvasFeedItem | |
0AX | ConsolePersonalization | |
0AY | ExternalEvent | |
0AZ | ActionApex | |
0Aa | CollaborationGroupRecord | |
0Ab | AuraDefinitionBundle | |
0Ad | AuraDefinition | |
0Af | DeployRequest | |
0Ag | ActionLinkGroup | |
0Ah | ConferenceNumber | |
0Ai | DeployMessage | |
0Aj | AsyncApiTransformationSpec | |
0Ak | AuthSession | |
0Al | DeployTestResult | |
0Am | SplitMapping | |
0An | ActionLink | |
0Ao | SplitPod | |
0Ap | Split | |
0Aq | ActionLinkGroupAssoc | |
0Ar | SplitAction | |
0As | SplitActionResult | |
0At | ActionLinkUserState | |
0Au | AnalyticNotification | |
0Av | AnalyticThreshold | |
0Aw | AnalyticCondition | |
0Ax | ContentVersioningPolicy | |
0Ay | AnalyticAction | |
0Az | AuraResource | |
0B0 | MobileEntitySetting | |
0B1 | MessageIdentifier | |
0B2 | PortalLanguageConfig | |
0B3 | PortalLanguageTabConfig | |
0B9 | MobileTab | |
0BA | CustomDataType | |
0BB | CustomDataTypeComponent | |
0BC | CustomFieldDataColumn | |
0BE | FileFieldData | |
0BF | ComponentAppVersion | |
0BG | CampaignInfluenceAdjustment | |
0BH | AllManagedClassRelationship | |
0BI | ContentVersionMap | |
0BJ | ActionAssignTeam | |
0BL | PackageIdMapping | |
0BM | Connection | Salesforce to Salesforce |
0BR | LogSearchResult | |
0BV | OpportunityCriteriaSharingRule | |
0BW | MobilePushDevice | |
0BX | HistoricalEntityConfig | |
0BY | MqSlaRequest | |
0BZ | EmailBrand | |
0Ba | LoginBrandAsset | |
0Bb | LoginBrand | |
0Bc | MqSlaJob | |
0Bd | HistoricalFieldConfig | |
0Be | HistoricalTransactionPrefix | |
0Bf | HistoricalStaging | |
0Bg | IdeaTheme | |
0Bi | HistoricalSelectorValue | |
0Bk | HistoricalSelector | |
0Bl | BlacklistedConsumer | |
0Bm | DuplicateRule | |
0Bn | ConsoleSidebarContainer | |
0Bo | SidebarComponentLayout | |
0Bp | ListPoolUsage | |
0Bq | EltWorkflowJobTracker | |
0Br | EltWorkflowJobHistory | |
0Bs | DatacloudSocialHandle | |
0Bt | Announcement | |
0Bu | DunsRightAsyncBatch | |
0Bv | DunsRightAsyncAccountRecord | |
0Bw | EltWorkflow | |
0Bx | DunsRightAsyncChunk | |
0By | ContentDispositionAssignment | |
0Bz | AgentWork | |
0C0 | Holiday | |
0C1 | CustIdxCandidate | |
0C2 | MobileSession | |
0C3 | RequestThrottle | |
0C5 | Skill | |
0C6 | LiveChatUserConfig | |
0C8 | SetupAssistantProgress | |
0C9 | SkillUser | |
0CA | SkillProfile | |
0CB | LiveChatUserConfigUser | |
0CC | SiteChangelistComponent | |
0CD | LiveChatUserConfigProfile | |
0CE | GroupSubscription | |
0CF | ChatterNowUserFavorites | |
0CG | MailAppSettings | |
0CH | ContentHubItem | |
0CI | EntityImplements | |
0CJ | FieldImplements | |
0CK | MailAppExchangeWhitelist | |
0CL | SiteChangelist | |
0CM | ChatSessionMembers | |
0CO | MailAppExchangeUserMap | |
0CP | CustomPermission | |
0CQ | OauthToken | |
0CS | ChatterNowUserSettings | |
0CU | OrgSizingDataHolder | |
0CW | OrgSizingInfo | |
0CX | MobilePushUserUpdate | |
0CZ | EmailMessageRelation | |
0Cd | EventBusSubscriber | |
0Ce | FormulaParticle | |
0Cg | OrganizationValueInfo | |
0Ch | LayoutParticle | |
0Ci | AppManifest | |
0Cj | OperationLog | |
0Cl | ForecastingUserPreference | |
0Cn | NotificationMember | |
0Co | ProductItem | |
0Ct | ManagedContentBlock | |
0Cu | ManagedContentBlockVersion | |
0Cv | KanbanView | |
0Cw | PartnerMarketingBudget | |
0Cy | OwnerChangeOptionInfo | |
0Cz | Setting | |
0D0 | CustomIndexUsage | |
0D1 | DataCategoryGroup | |
0D2 | OrgWideEmailAddress | |
0D3 | OrgEmailAddressSecurity | |
0D4 | LeadCriteriaSharingRule | |
0D5 | FeedItem | Doc or NewsFeed or UserProfileFeed Use caution as there are at least three object types exposed via the partner API with the same keyPrefix! |
0D6 | FeedTrackedChange | |
0D7 | FeedComment | |
0D8 | AllManagedMemberOption | |
0D9 | LeadSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0DA | EntityCategoryGroup | |
0DB | Network | |
0DC | ProcessTransitionAction | |
0DD | SynonymGroup | |
0DE | Synonym | |
0DF | VersionSet | encodes your package version selections when the enterprise WSDL was generated. See Package Version Settings |
0DG | NamedFilter | |
0DH | FieldAttributes | |
0DL | NetworkMemberGroup | |
0DM | Site | |
0DN | SitePageOverride | |
0DO | NetworkMember | |
0DQ | IndexKeyDefinitionItem | |
0DR | AndroidPushApplicationSetup | |
0DS | AppMenuItem | |
0DT | IdeaReputationLevel | |
0DU | LimitUsageHistory | |
0DV | PushUpgradeRequest | |
0DV | PackagePushRequest | |
0DW | IdeaReputation | |
0DX | PushUpgradeJob | |
0DX | PackagePushJob | |
0DY | PushUpgradeJobError | |
0DY | PackagePushError | |
0DZ | LiveChatTranscriptEvent | |
0Db | ForecastingType | |
0Dd | ListViewChart | |
0De | ListViewChartInstance | |
0Df | InstanceSizeJob | |
0Dg | FeedEntry | |
0Dh | MaterializedFeedEntry | |
0Di | FeedClumpMapping | |
0Dj | FeedClumpInfo | |
0Dk | ObjectMapping | |
0Dl | ObjectMappingField | |
0Dm | NetworkSelfRegistration | |
0Dp | NetworkPageOverride | |
0Dq | TwoFactorAuthPairing | |
0Dr | MailAppOwaWhitelist | |
0Ds | UserAppInfo | |
0Dt | OrgSigningKey | |
0Du | ExchangeUserMapping | |
0Dv | NotifTypeOrgSetting | |
0Dy | GlobalVariableType | |
0Dz | OptimizerMetricsAverage | |
0E0 | EmailSyncConfig | |
0E1 | EmailSyncEntitySetting | |
0E2 | EmailSyncFieldMapping | |
0E3 | EmailSyncValueMapping | |
0E4 | EmailConfigEntitySetting | |
0E5 | EmailUserEntitySetting | |
0E6 | EmailSyncAdvancedSetting | |
0E7 | EntitlementContact | |
0E8 | EntitySubscription | Doc |
0E9 | ProductEntitlementTemplate | |
0EA | PackageVersionPatchOrg | |
0EB | Renderer | |
0ED | LpuAccessMapping | |
0EE | DeployDirection | |
0EF | RequestTrace | |
0EG | ReportChart | |
0EH | SummaryLayout | |
0EI | SummaryLayoutItem | |
0EJ | SummaryLayoutSliceInfo | |
0EM | ContentReference | Appears next to refid query string parameter when pulling images. See rtaimage servlet parametersâ¦what does the refid refer to? |
0EO | PicklistItemProperty | |
0EP | InboundChangeSet | |
0EQ | CategoryJobTask | |
0ER | RichTextAreaFieldData | |
0EV | AllInstalledPackageVersion | |
0EW | ChangeSetDeployHistory | |
0EX | ChangeSetDeployMessage | |
0EZ | S2XExchOAuthCredential | |
0Eb | ModuleDependency | |
0Ee | HistoricalDataFilter | |
0Ef | HistoricalDataFilterItem | |
0Eg | GlobalDbKey | |
0Eh | TodayCard | |
0El | InstalledMobileApp | |
0Em | TodayCardProperty | |
0En | ReadOnlyMemcachedServer | |
0Ep | ReadOnlyUserLogin | |
0Eq | LeadConvertSettings | |
0Er | PlatformCachePartition | |
0Es | TemplateDeployment | |
0Et | ReadOnlyAuthSession | |
0Eu | TemplateDeploymentItem | |
0Ev | PlatformCachePartitionType | |
0Ex | PlatformCacheTrial | |
0Ey | ReadOnlyRedisServer | |
0Ez | ReadOnlyLoginHistory | |
0F0 | EmailTempAttachmentMap | |
0F1 | DuplicateRuleFilter | |
0F2 | HadoopCounter | |
0F3 | ReportBlock | |
0F5 | PhotoItem | |
0F7 | FeedPost | |
0F8 | SoftphoneScreenPopOption | |
0F9 | CollaborationGroup | |
0FA | CsnDomain | |
0FB | CollaborationGroupMember | |
0FG | MobilePushServiceDevice | |
0FH | LinkReference | |
0FI | DuplicateRuleFilterItem | |
0FJ | LensFile | |
0FK | Lens | |
0FM | FeedMapping | |
0FO | AssistantProgress | OrgSizeJob |
0FP | ReportRunTracker | |
0FQ | TrialMaster | |
0FR | PackageOperationError | |
0FT | TopicAssignment | |
0FX | QoptimizerLimitOverride | |
0Fa | ContextFieldAttributes | |
0Fb | EdgeMart | |
0Fc | EdgeMartData | |
0Fd | EdgeMartDataFile | |
0Fe | IdentityConnector | |
0Ff | InboundSocialPost | |
0Fg | InteractionLoop | |
0Fh | InteractionActionCall | |
0Fi | InteractionActionCallParam | |
0Fj | InteractionMetadataValue | |
0Fl | ContentRenditionPolicy | |
0Fm | LensEdgeMart | |
0Fn | EdgeExternalDataFile | |
0Fo | FlowInterview | |
0Fp | HammerResultStatus | |
0Fq | FeedChannel | |
0Fr | FeedChannelSubscription | |
0Fs | OrderOwnerSharingRule | |
0Ft | OrderCriteriaSharingRule | |
0Fu | OrderSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0Fv | InteractionRefOrValue | |
0Fy | OrderShare | |
0Fz | IndexKeyDefinition | |
0G1 | FeedFieldHistory | |
0G2 | ForecastingCompositeKey | |
0G3 | ForecastingItem | |
0G4 | OracleAwrSqlstat | |
0G5 | OracleAwrSqltext | |
0G6 | ForecastingFact | |
0G7 | ForecastingAdjustment | |
0G8 | ReportBucketField | |
0G9 | AccountSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0GC | EmailDisclaimer | |
0GD | ReportBucketFieldValue | |
0GE | ReportBucketFieldSourceValue | |
0GH | SchemaBuilderLayout | |
0GI | SchemaBuilderLayoutItem | |
0GJ | ApplePushApplicationSetup | |
0GK | DuplicateRecordSet | |
0GL | DuplicateRecordItem | |
0GM | MetadataIdentifier | |
0GN | MetadataContent | |
0GO | LiveChatSensitiveDataRule | |
0GP | ProspectorRecModel | |
0GQ | SandboxInfo | |
0GR | SandboxProcess | |
0GS | S2XEventMap | |
0GT | S2XContactMap | |
0GU | LongRunningRequest | |
0GV | SiteDetail | |
0GW | RelatedEntity | |
0GY | Tombstone | |
0Ga | AsyncApiChunkResults | RecommendedIndex |
0Gc | BusProcessFeedbackConfig | /RecommendedIndexLrrMap |
0Gf | InterestingSqlFromAwr | |
0Gg | SourceMetadataMember | |
0Gi | SecurityHealthCheck | |
0Gj | TimeSlot | |
0Gm | S2XEventTxnProps | |
0Gn | ProductRequired | |
0Go | AssistantInteraction | |
0Gp | UiFormulaCriterion | |
0Gq | IntelligenceField | |
0Gq | ActivityMetric | |
0Gr | UserLicenseMetrics | UiFormulaRuleAssignment |
0Gt | Package2VersionCreateRequestError | |
0Gu | SCSTermsOfService | |
0Gv | ProductConsumed | |
0Gw | S2XSandmanError | |
0Gx | FormulaOperator | |
0Gy | DataIntegrationRecordPurchasePermission | /DiscoveryUserLicense |
0Gz | DiscoveryOrgLicense | |
0H0 | SiteRedirectMapping | |
0H1 | CollaborationInvitation | |
0H2 | SharingSet | /LpuSharingSet |
0H4 | ConnectedApplication | |
0H6 | ChangeSetUploadHistory | |
0H7 | PackageSupportAccess | |
0H9 | OracleAwrSqlignore | |
0HC | RecordSalt | |
0HD | PackageUploadRequest | |
0HE | SettingsTemplate | |
0HF | ReadOnlyLoginMessage | PublishEvent |
0HG | EntitySharingModel | |
0HI | ReportBlockAggregate | |
0HJ | LiveChatButtonDeployment | |
0HK | LiveAgentSession | |
0HN | TwoFactorInfo | |
0HO | MobilePushSetupRegistry | |
0HP | UserProvisioningRequest | |
0HQ | ReadOnlyAppserver | |
0HR | MetricsTransmissionHistory | |
0HS | SharingOperation | |
0HT | ScrutinyRun | |
0HU | ProfileSessionSetting | |
0HV | ProfilePasswordPolicy | |
0HW | ConnectedAppSessionPolicy | |
0HX | UserProvMockTarget | |
0HY | UserProvAccountStaging | |
0HZ | ConnectedAppPlugin | |
0Ha | SandOmInfo | |
0Hb | PackageSubscriber | |
0Hc | ProfileTabSetConfiguration | |
0Hd | TestSuiteMembership | |
0He | CaptchaKey | |
0Hf | PackageInstallRequest | |
0Hg | SandstormWhitelist | |
0Hh | ServiceTerritory | |
0Hi | AppIpRange | |
0Hj | AppManifestVersion | |
0Hk | ConnectivityDevConfig | |
0Hl | ConnectivityAttributes | |
0Hn | ServiceResource | |
0Ho | Package2 | |
0Hp | SandOmImportInfoDetail | |
0Hq | SandOmInfoDetail | |
0Hr | AssistantRecommendationType | |
0Hs | UserProvisioningLog | |
0Ht | SandOmImportInfo | |
0Hu | ServiceTerritoryMember | |
0Hv | ServiceResourceSkill | |
0Hw | ResourceAbsence | |
0Hx | SkillRequirement | |
0Hy | ServiceResourceCapacity | |
0Hz | ExperimentRequest | |
0I0 | FeedLike | |
0I1 | DbLockUsage | |
0I2 | SiteAsset | |
0I3 | SiteComponent | |
0I4 | Domain | |
0I5 | CollaborationGroupMemberRequest | |
0I6 | OpportunitySharingRuleFilterItem | |
0I7 | CaseSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0I8 | ContactSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0I9 | ReportObjectFilterItem | |
0IA | KnowledgeLanguageConfig | |
0IB | DashboardFilter | |
0IC | DashboardFilterItem | |
0ID | DashboardFilterRepCol | |
0IF | PushTopic | |
0IG | MobileDeviceRegistrar | |
0II | FeedCrossReference | |
0IO | BrandingValue | |
0IS | ApexComponentAttribute | |
0IT | GridforceJob | |
0IU | HadoopJob | |
0IV | LogSearch | |
0IW | MobileApplicationDetail | |
0IX | FieldSet | |
0IY | FieldSetItem | |
0IZ | JiffyTrace | |
0Ia | CustomEntityTruncateInfo | |
0Ib | MatchingInformation | |
0Ic | LimitSnapshot | |
0Id | NetworkModeration | |
0Ie | SupervisorAgentConfigSkill | |
0If | LiveChatButtonSkill | |
0Ig | LiveChatTranscriptSkill | |
0Ih | ServiceDeskComponent | |
0Ii | PushProfileMapping | |
0Ij | PushIntent | |
0Ik | Module | |
0Il | ScrutinyPkChunkData | |
0In | PhoenixDataSync | |
0Io | RawEmail | |
0Iq | ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem | |
0Ir | ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule | |
0It | WaveDataConnector | |
0Iu | WaveBaseDataset | |
0Iv | WaveBaseField | |
0Iw | RecommendationMetric | |
0Iy | SplitFrameworkResult | |
0Iz | PackageDependency | |
0J0 | SetupEntityAccess | |
0J1 | EnvironmentHubMember | |
0J2 | Personalization | |
0J3 | EnvironmentHubMemberRel | |
0J4 | SPSamlAttributes | |
0J5 | PredictiveModel | |
0J6 | NetworkActivityAudit | |
0J7 | EnvironmentHub | |
0J8 | ServiceDeskHotkey | |
0J9 | ForecastingQuota | |
0JB | ObjectTerritory2Association | |
0JD | MatchingRule | |
0JE | MatchingRuleItem | |
0JF | NotifDeliveryUserPref | |
0JJ | MatchIndexValue | |
0JK | MatchIndexDefinition | |
0JL | ServiceDeskCustomStyling | |
0JM | OauthTokenLocal | |
0JO | SearchActivity | |
0JP | RecordOrigin | |
0JR | PendingServiceRouting | |
0JS | JigsawSavedSearch | |
0JT | JobTracker | |
0JU | UserListViewCriterion | |
0JV | PlatformAction | |
0JW | SetupNode | |
0JX | SurveyDefaultConfig | /SetupCustomNode |
0JY | MacroAction | |
0JZ | Macro | |
0Ja | ReadOnlyOauthToken | |
0Jb | ReadOnlyOauthTokenScope | |
0Jc | ForecastingShare | |
0Jd | ForecastingCategoryMapping | |
0Je | UserProvisioningConfig | |
0Jf | DomainSite | |
0Jg | ForecastingTypeToCategory | |
0Ji | MacroInstruction | |
0Jj | CopySuspension | |
0Jk | ReadOnlySecurityToken | |
0Jl | ReadOnlyLoginIp | |
0Jm | ReadOnlyLoginIpEmail | |
0Jn | PlatformActionList | |
0Jo | PlatformActionListItem | |
0Jp | ReadOnlyClientBrowser | |
0Jq | SCSInboundSettings | |
0Jr | ThirdPartyAccountLink | |
0Js | SkinnyIndex | |
0Jt | SkinnyIndexColumn | |
0Ju | RelationshipInfo | |
0Jv | RelationshipDomain | |
0Jx | IdentityVerificationEvent | |
0Jy | StandardAction | |
0Jz | TodayGoal | |
0K0 | ActionKnowledgeSubmit | |
0K2 | ActionChatterPost | |
0K3 | ActionChatterPostRecipient | |
0K4 | SamplingStrategy | |
0K6 | SampledEntity | |
0K7 | StorageConfigAuditTrail | |
0K9 | QueueRoutingConfig | |
0KA | UserConfigTransferSkill | |
0KB | UserConfigTransferButton | |
0KD | TabDefinition | |
0KG | SqlIdToRequestMap | |
0KK | CampaignInfluence | |
0KM | InstalledSubscriberPackageVersion | |
0KO | SecurityHealthCheckRisks | |
0KP | PresenceConfigDeclineReason | |
0KR | PresenceDeclineReason | |
0KT | EdgeMartMetadata | |
0KU | Measure | |
0KV | Dimension | |
0KW | RecordDisplayLookup | |
0KX | DimensionMember | |
0KY | StandardValueSet | |
0KZ | ReportInstanceQuery | |
0Ka | SurveyEmailBranding | |
0Kb | SyncTransactionLog | |
0Kc | SurveyQuestionChoice | |
0Kd | Survey | |
0Ke | SurveyPage | |
0Kf | WaveFeaturedAsset | |
0Kg | TwoFactorMethodsInfo | |
0Kh | FormulaFunctionCategory | |
0Ki | SurveyInvitation | |
0Km | CustomAppMetrics | |
0Kn | FormulaFunction | |
0Ko | GlobalVariable | |
0Kp | TwoFactorMethodsInfoLocal | |
0Kq | LoginFlow | |
0Kr | SurveyQuestionResponse | |
0Ks | SurveyVersion | |
0Kt | AssociatedLocation | |
0Ku | SurveyQuestion | |
0Kv | SetupApp | |
0Ky | CspFrameAncestor | |
0Kz | ResourcePreference | |
0L0 | XmdDimRecordDisplayLookup | |
0L1 | VoiceVendorInfo | |
0L2 | TenantPlatformLicense | |
0L3 | TenantUserLicense | |
0L4 | TenantEditionLicense | |
0L5 | TenantAddOnLicense | |
0LC | TenantLicensingRequest | |
0LD | RecalcCampaignStats | |
0LE | SamlSsoConfig | |
0LG | ReportInstance | |
0LH | SocialKeyJobLog | |
0LI | SocialKeyEntityErrorLog | |
0LJ | ModerationRule | |
0LM | KeywordList | |
0LN | StorageSizeJob | |
0LO | SetupAssistantAnswer | |
0LP | WaveReplicationFilterItem | |
0LQ | VoiceCall | |
0LR | WaveTrendedReport | |
0LT | DimensionSalesforceAction | |
0LV | UserCriteria | |
0LY | WaveAnnotationTarget | |
0LZ | WaveAnnotation | |
0La | DateMetadata | |
0Lb | EdgeMartOrganization | |
0Lc | LicensedCustomPermission | |
0Ld | LicenseDefinition | |
0Le | ExternalServiceRegistration | |
0Lf | UserFeedChannel | |
0Lg | UserSetupAppInfo | |
0Lh | ReleasedApexIdentifier | |
0Li | AssetTokenEvent | |
0Lj | AnalyticActionConfiguration | |
0Ll | LoginEventStream | |
0Lm | NavigationLinkSet | |
0Ln | ReleasedApexIdentifierOption | |
0Lo | AutoActivityCaptureMetrics | |
0Lq | EmbeddedServiceDetail | |
0Ls | AvroSchema | |
0Lu | ProductTransfer | |
0Lw | BrandingSet | |
0Lx | AIModel | |
0Ly | BrandingSetProperty | |
0Lz | LearningLinkProgress | |
0M0 | FlexiPage | |
0M1 | SocialUserAuth | |
0M2 | FlexiPageRegion | |
0M3 | SocialKeyParentRecord | |
0M4 | SocialKeyPersonaRecord | |
0M5 | Territory2Type | |
0M6 | StreamingChannel | |
0M9 | SandboxObserver | |
0MA | Territory2Model | |
0MD | SearchPromotionRule | |
0ME | SessionLevelPolicy | |
0MF | SynonymDictionary | |
0MH | TransitionMessage | |
0MI | Territory2 | |
0MJ | SystemStreamingChannel | |
0MK | XCleanMatchRateMetrics | |
0ML | CustomNotificationType | |
0MM | WaveNotificationConfig | |
0MN | LayoutSectionState | |
0MO | AppNotifTypeOrgSetting | |
0MP | WaveTemplateDetails | |
0MQ | UserCustomBadge | |
0MR | MetricsDataFile | |
0MT | ContentOrgMetrics | |
0MU | ReleasedEntityState | |
0MV | UserFavorite | |
0MW | BuffaloOrgEstimate | |
0MY | ChatterExtension | |
0MZ | SourceMember | |
0Ma | SandboxObserver2 | |
0Mb | ChatterExtensionInstance | |
0Me | OrchestrationContext | |
0Mf | FieldServiceMobileSettings | |
0Mg | AppExtension | |
0Mh | ConsumptionSchedule | |
0Mi | NavigationMenuItem | |
0Mj | MessagingChannel | |
0Mk | WindowsPushApplicationSetup | |
0Mm | MessagingLink | |
0Mn | OrchestrationContextEvent | |
0Mo | ConsumptionRate | |
0Mp | FeedEntityRead | |
0Mq | ProductConsumptionSchedule | |
0Ms | FeedRead | |
0Mt | BuffaloMigrationEvent | |
0Mu | BuffaloMigrationManagement | |
0Mw | MessagingSession | |
0My | SurveyResponse | |
0Mz | DomainProvision | |
0N0 | UserMembershipSharingRule | |
0N1 | UserCriteriaSharingRule | |
0N2 | UserShare | |
0N3 | UserSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0N4 | RuleTerritory2Association | |
0N5 | ServicePresenceStatus | |
0N9 | ServiceChannel | |
0NB | SecureAgent | |
0NC | ServiceChannelStatus | |
0ND | SecureAgentPlugin | |
0NE | SecureAgentPluginProperty | |
0NF | ReportCustomDetailField | |
0NI | TransactionSecurityPolicy | |
0NK | S2XAdminError | |
0NL | StandardReportType | |
0NM | SearchQuerySuggestion | |
0NN | PostArchivalDeletionRequest | |
0NQ | TransactionSecurityAction | |
0NR | TransactionSecurityActionEvent | |
0NU | ReputationLevel | |
0NV | ReputationPointsRule | |
0NW | SOSDeployment | |
0NX | SOSSession | SOS video calls |
0NZ | SOSSessionActivity | |
0Na | UserListView | |
0Nb | LinkState | |
0Nc | LinkStateData | |
0Nd | PresenceUserConfig | |
0Ne | PresenceUserConfigUser | |
0Nf | PresenceUserConfigProfile | |
0Ng | CleanInfo | |
0Nh | CleanActivityLog | |
0Ni | UserProvAccount | |
0Nj | CleanEntityError | |
0Nk | WaveTemplate | |
0Nl | WaveTemplateExternalData | |
0Nm | WaveTemplateValues | |
0Nn | Xmd | |
0No | LiveChatBlockingRule | |
0Np | XCleanBulkJob | |
0Nq | XmdMeasure | |
0Nr | XmdDimension | |
0Ns | XmdDimensionMember | |
0Nt | SharedPicklistDefinition | |
0Nu | XmdDate | |
0Nv | EntityParticle | |
0Nw | UserAppMenuCustomization | |
0Nx | XmdDimSalesforceAction | |
0Ny | XmdOrganization | |
0O0 | XinstanceInfo | |
0O1 | TwoFactorU2F | |
0O4 | WaveExternalConnProperty | |
0O5 | XmdDimensionCustomAction | |
0O6 | FieldMappingField | |
0O7 | FieldMappingRow | |
0O8 | FieldMapping | |
0OB | Shipment | |
0OC | TransactionSecurityCondition | |
0OD | InteractionCountReport | |
0OE | SubscriberTabSetMember | |
0OF | FlexipageComponentMetrics | BulkDedupeJob |
0OG | BaseEventInterface | DuplicateRuleJob |
0OH | OperatingHours | |
0OI | MatchingRuleJob | |
0OK | ReleasedApexClassRel | |
0OL | OrgLifecycleNotification | |
0OO | ProcessInstanceNode | |
0OP | VisualforceAccessMetrics | |
0OV | NetworkAffinity | |
0OZ | WaveCompatibilityCheckItem | |
0Oa | ComponentResponseCache | |
0Ob | ChatterExtensionConfig | |
0Oe | DashboardComponentColumn | |
0Of | DashboardComponentResult | |
0Oi | CaseSubjectParticle | |
0Ol | ReportEventStream | TwoFactorU2F |
0Om | ScorecardMetric | |
0Oq | PendingChangeContainer | |
0Or | DatasetExportEvent | |
0Ow | ContactPointPhone | |
0Ox | VoiceCallRecording | |
0P0 | FlowVariableAssignment | |
0P1 | Certificate | |
0P2 | CertificateIp | |
0P5 | AacObjectSetting | |
0P9 | CalendarSharing | |
0PA | MessagingEndUser | |
0PB | DuplicateJob | |
0PC | DuplicateJobMatchingRule | |
0PD | CustomPermissionDependency | |
0PF | ParallelJobItemData | |
0PG | PermissionSetGroup | |
0PH | LogoutEventStream | |
0PK | Individual | |
0PL | PermissionSetLicense | |
0PM | PermissionSetGroupComponent | |
0PO | DuplicateJobDefinition | |
0PP | DuplicateJobMatchingRuleDefinition | |
0PQ | ProcessTimeQueue | |
0PS | PermissionSet | Permission set metadata |
0PX | PushUpgradeExcludedOrg | |
0PY | EmbeddedServiceFieldService | |
0PZ | MetadataContainerMember | |
0Pa | PermissionSetAssignment | |
0Pk | ChannelProgram | |
0Pl | ChannelProgramLevel | |
0Pm | ChannelProgramMember | |
0Pp | EinsteinApplication | |
0Pp | AIApplication | |
0Pq | PredictionConfig | |
0Pr | PredictionField | |
0Ps | PushBackDefinition | |
0Pt | PackageVersionInstallRequestError | |
0Pu | PackageVersionUninstallRequestError | |
0Pv | BigObjectsRecordMetrics | |
0Px | DatasetExport | |
0Py | DatasetExportPart | |
0Pz | EventTypeDefinition | |
0Q0 | Quote | Doc |
0Q1 | OutgoingEmail | |
0Q3 | OutgoingEmailRelation | |
0Q5 | UserMetrics | |
0Q7 | DirectMessageMemberActivity | |
0QD | QuoteDocument | |
0QH | Form | |
0QI | ApiEventStream | |
0QJ | FeedSignal | |
0QK | PinnedEntity | |
0QL | QuoteLineItem | |
0QM | MutingPermissionSet | /EinsteinAppAnalytics |
0QO | FTestGenInterface | |
0QP | FTestGenBodyInterface | |
0QR | QuoteTemplateRichTextData | |
0QT | MetadataContainerMemberWithSymbolTable | |
0QU | ShareInterface | |
0QV | MultiCurrency | |
0QY | MetadataContainerMemberWithBody | |
0QZ | Auditable | |
0Qb | EntityEventInterface | |
0Qc | ActionQuickCreate | |
0Qd | DataExportEventInterface | |
0Qf | FormSection | |
0Qg | TransactionSecurityEventInterface | |
0Qh | FormItem | |
0Qi | SoftDeletable | |
0Qj | RecordUserAccessInterface | |
0Qk | UserNavItem | |
0Qm | AIModelDefinition | |
0Qn | ScorecardAssociation | |
0Qo | ExternalCredential | |
0Qp | SandOmBulkExport | |
0Qq | AIFilter | |
0Qt | VerificationHistory | |
0Qu | ReportEvent | |
0Qw | AIFilterGroup | |
0Qx | AIFilterValue | |
0Qy | SecureAgentsCluster | |
0Qz | Nameable | |
0R0 | UserTerritory2Association | |
0R1 | UserServicePresence | |
0R2 | UiPlugin | |
0R8 | PartnerFundAllocation | |
0RA | ActivityRelation | |
0RB | PartnerFundClaim | |
0RC | CollaborationGroupRank | |
0RD | RecommendationDefinition | |
0RE | EventRelation | |
0RH | SandOmExportedBlob | |
0RI | LearningAssignment | |
0RJ | PartnerFundRequest | |
0RL | FlowCategory | |
0RM | BigObjectCounter | |
0RT | TaskRelation | |
0RX | LightningBolt | |
0RY | CustomSettingNameIndex | |
0RZ | PlinyPhysicalDeleteJob | |
0Rb | LightningComponentBundle | |
0Rd | LightningComponentResource | |
0Rf | LinkedInLeadGenToken | |
0Rg | InteractionLCMetrics | |
0Rh | TopicDataCategoryRule | |
0Ri | LinkedInLeadGenConfig | |
0Rl | FlowCategoryItem | |
0Rm | WaveAssetVersion | |
0Rn | EnhancedLetterhead | |
0Rp | LinkedInLeadGenAdAccount | |
0Rr | LightningBoltItem | |
0Rs | VisibilityChangeNotification | |
0Rs | VisibilityUpdateEvent | |
0Rt | FolderClosure | |
0Ru | LightningBoltImage | |
0Rv | LightningBoltFeature | |
0Rw | RecordAction | |
0Rx | PersonalizedUnswdQuestion | |
0S1 | LightningExperienceTheme | |
0S2 | S2XPushSubscription | |
0S5 | OrchestrationEvent | |
0S6 | OrchestrationEventField | |
0SE | ProfileSkillEndorsement | |
0SK | PurchaserPlanAssn | |
0SL | ServiceReportLayout | |
0SM | ProfileSkillUser | |
0SO | AuthProvider | |
0SP | SocialPersona | |
0SR | SignupRequest | |
0ST | SocialPost | |
0SU | AqtIncidentDetection | |
0SV | ReportInstanceCsvResult | |
0SX | RemoteTenantSecretSetting | |
0Sa | MetadataContainerMemberWithBinaryBody | |
0Sb | PurchaserPlan | |
0Se | AdminSetupEvent | |
0Sf | CoverageBenefitItem | |
0Sg | PlanBenefitItem | |
0Si | AIPredictionTarget | |
0Sj | AIManagedField | |
0Sk | ProfileSkill | |
0Sl | ProcessTypeDefinition | |
0Sn | ReturnOrderLineItem | |
0So | C2CPermissionBinding | |
0Sq | MemberPlan | |
0Sr | PersonEducation | |
0Ss | IdentityDocument | |
0Su | QmosEntityDefinition | |
0Sy | ActionOverrideMetrics | |
0Sz | QmosQueryStatus | |
0T0 | SetupFlowProgress | |
0T1 | ManagedContentType | |
0T2 | AIInsightReason | |
0T5 | IndividualShare | |
0T6 | EmailDomainFilter | |
0T7 | ManagedContentTypeVersion | |
0T9 | OrchestrationContextDeploy | |
0TA | IndividualSharingRuleFilterItem | |
0TB | IndividualOwnerSharingRule | |
0TC | IndividualCriteriaSharingRule | |
0TD | MessagingTemplate | |
0TG | ManagedContentSpaceLink | |
0TH | ProdDbHammerRequest | |
0TI | TopicIndex | |
0TJ | EventTypeFieldDefinition | |
0TK | ManagedContentNodeType | |
0TL | CoverageBenefit | |
0TM | PlanBenefit | |
0TN | WaveAssetEvent | |
0TO | Topic | |
0TR | ProductItemTransaction | /CloudConfiguration |
0TS | ProductRequest | |
0TT | TrialforceTemplate | |
0TU | AccountBrand | |
0TW | IsvHammerRequestId | |
0TY | TopicOntology | |
0TZ | OrchestrationContextDataset | |
0Tc | QmosQuery1 | |
0Td | CarePreauth | |
0Te | QmosQueryCol1 | |
0Tg | CarePreauthItem | |
0Ti | QmosMatCol1 | |
0Tj | MetadataComponentDependency | |
0Tp | PermissionSetProfileMetrics | |
0Ts | ValidationRuleInfo | |
0Tt | TopicTerm | |
0Tv | BaseSessionInterface | |
0Tw | ProductRequestLineItem | |
0Tz | ContactRequest | |
0U5 | LightningUsageByPageMetrics | |
0U6 | QmosSelCol1 | |
0UG | OnboardingMetrics | |
0UJ | FieldServiceOrgSettings | |
0UM | SsoUserMapping | |
0UN | EmbeddedServiceLayout | |
0UO | EmbeddedServiceLayoutRule | |
0UR | EmbeddedServiceCustomComponent | |
0US | BotSessionsMetrics | |
0UT | TenantUsageEntitlement | |
0UV | UserEmailPreferredPerson | |
0UW | UserVerificationMessageUse | |
0UX | ForgottenToken | |
0UZ | WaveAutoInstallRequest | |
0Ua | LbpmMetrics | |
0Ub | RecordActionHistory | |
0Uc | FlowExtensionParam | /FlowLightningComponentParam |
0Ud | ContentFolderDistribution | |
0Ue | VerificationMessageCreditMetrics | |
0Uh | MessagingConfiguration | |
0Ui | AIModelMetric | |
0Uj | NLPhrase | |
0Uk | AIModelFactor | |
0Ul | AIFactorComponent | |
0Um | CareRequest | |
0Un | NLQueryFragment | |
0Uq | FlowExtension | /FlowLightningComponent |
0Us | CareRequestConfiguration | |
0Uu | EmbeddedServiceLabel | |
0Uv | PardotTenant | |
0Uw | UriEvent | |
0Ux | UriEventStream | |
0Uy | BaseEventPackageInterface | |
0Uz | EngagementEvent | |
0V2 | PlatformStatusAlertEvent | |
0V8 | MessagingMetrics | |
0V9 | LightningExitByPageMetrics | |
0VA | RemoteKeyCalloutEvent | |
0VB | UserActivityTimelineFilter | |
0VC | CareDiagnosis | |
0VD | CareRequestDrug | |
0VF | OrchestrationContextRuntimeEvent | |
0VG | LimitUsageTracker | |
0VI | BuffaloStep | |
0VK | CareRequestItem | |
0VL | ContactPointEntityAssocSnapshotLocator | |
0VM | EntityAssociationDefinitionVersion | |
0VP | WorkCapacityUsage | |
0VQ | WorkCapacityLimit | |
0VR | ServiceAppointmentCapacityUsage | |
0VS | WorkTypeGroup | |
0VX | LoginAsEvent | |
0VY | LoginAsEventStream | |
0VZ | InteractionUsageMetrics | |
0Vi | ContentDocumentListViewMapping | |
0Vk | SurveySubject | |
0Vl | Accreditation | |
0Vo | CareBarrier | |
0Vp | PlatformEventConduitMetrics | |
0Vs | CareBarrierType | |
0Vv | AIModelGraph | |
0Vy | MessagingAggregatedMetrics | |
0Vz | PlatformActionMetrics | |
0W0 | WorkThanks | |
0W1 | WorkBadgeDefinition | |
0W2 | WorkBadge | |
0W3 | WorkReward | |
0W4 | WorkRewardFund | |
0W5 | WorkAccess | |
0W7 | WorkPerformanceCycle | |
0W8 | WorkFeedbackQuestionSet | |
0WA | WorkFeedbackQuestion | |
0WB | WorkFeedback | |
0WC | WorkFeedbackRequest | |
0WD | WorkCoaching | |
0WE | WorkGoal | |
0WF | WorkGoalCollaborator | |
0WG | WorkGoalLink | |
0WH | WorkRewardFundType | |
0WI | Goal | |
0WJ | Metric | |
0WK | GoalLink | |
0WL | WorkFeedbackTemplate | |
0WM | MetricDataLink | |
0WO | WorkOrder | |
0WQ | NetworkLEAPlusDailyLoginMetrics | |
0WR | NetworkLEADailyLoginMetrics | |
0Wa | QmosMatEntityMeta | |
0Wb | QmosInColMap1 | |
0Wg | RecordActionDeployment | |
0Wh | RecordActionSelectableItem | |
0Wi | RecordActionDefaultItem | |
0Wv | ManagedContentSpaceMember | |
0Ww | CareProgramEnrollee | |
0Wx | RecordActionDeploymentChannel | |
0Wy | B2BCommercePkgProductMetrics | |
0Wz | WorkTypeGroupMember | |
0X0 | SalesforceIqSyncFailure | |
0X1 | StreamEmail | |
0X2 | StreamEvent | |
0X5 | IntegrationAuditingEvent | |
0X7 | FormsMetrics | |
0X8 | ListViewEvent | |
0XA | NamedCredential | |
0XB | ListEmail | |
0XC | ExternalDataSource | Data Source for External Objects. A.K.A. |
0XC | ContentHubRepository | /ExternalDataSource |
0XD | ListEmailRecipientSource | |
0XE | ListEmailSentResult | |
0XF | ListEmailIndividualRecipient | |
0XG | ListViewEventStream | |
0XH | CustomHttpHeader | |
0XI | AppAnalyticsQueryRequest | |
0XK | HealthCareProcedure | |
0XN | HealthCareDiagnosis | |
0XR | SalesforceIqUser | |
0XS | SalesforceIqDataSource | |
0XT | StreamActivityAccess | |
0XU | ExternalDataUserAuth | |
0XY | SiqUserBlacklist | |
0Xc | PaymentAuthorization | |
0Xe | B2BCommercePackageMetrics | |
0Xj | AddressableEventInterface | |
0Xk | ContentExternalStorage | |
0Xl | CommSubscription | |
0Xs | SiteIframeWhiteListUrl | |
0Xt | PaymentGatewayLog | |
0Xv | SourceChangeNotification | |
0Xw | AsyncOperationEvent | |
0Xx | Bot | Bot Definition |
0Xy | AEJobTracker | |
0Y7 | ReportFormattingRule | |
0Y8 | ReportFormattingRuleValue | |
0YD | AsyncOperationStatus | |
0YI | ActivityEngagementRollup | |
0YL | PlatformEventChannel | |
0YM | CareInterventionType | |
0YN | NextBestActionUsageMetrics | |
0YO | CareDeterminantType | |
0YS | BoardCertification | |
0YT | InsurancePolicy | |
0YW | InsurancePolicyAsset | |
0YY | ExecutionPlanTask | |
0YZ | PrivacyConsentRow | |
0Ya | LoginHistory | |
0Ym | SetupAuditTrail | |
0Yq | RateLimitIntBuckets | |
0Yr | PersonLifeEvent | |
0Ys | ParallelJobStatus | |
0Yu | IdpEventLog | |
0Yv | ReportAnomalyEvent | |
0Yw | UserLogin | |
0Yx | Producer | |
0Yy | InsuranceProfile | |
0Z2 | ASEMobileConfigUser | |
0Z5 | Visit | |
0Z7 | ReportAnomalyEventStore | |
0ZA | FileInspectionResult | |
0ZB | SharingUserCoverage | |
0ZD | SharingCoverageJob | |
0ZE | Webstore | |
0ZQ | SendEmailActionDefinition | |
0ZT | DataUseLegalBasis | |
0ZU | DoradoRequestEvent | |
0ZW | DataUsePurpose | |
0ZX | ContactPointConsent | |
0ZY | ContactPointTypeConsent | |
0ZZ | InvalidRecordEvent | |
0Zb | CareBarrierDeterminant | |
0Zd | DatasetFetch | |
0Ze | CareProgram | |
0Zf | OrchestrationRuntimeEventHv | |
0Zg | SurveyQuestionScore | |
0Zh | SessionHijackingEvent | |
0Zj | SessionHijackingEventStore | |
0Zk | Claim | |
0Zm | ConditionalFormattingPropertyPredicate | |
0Zn | ConditionalFormattingPropertyBin | |
0Zo | ConditionalFormattingProperty | |
0Zq | AnalyticNotificationTracker | |
0Zr | CareProgramTeamMember | |
0Zs | CareProgramCampaign | |
0Zt | DatasetDarkLaunch | |
0Zu | ManagedContentSpace | |
0Zx | ForecastingDisplayedFamily | |
0Zy | ConversationEntry | |
0a0 | Shift | |
0a2 | FlexipagePageTypeMetrics | |
0a5 | TimeSheetTemplateAssignment | |
0aB | EventDestination | |
0aC | OrchestrationContextEventField | |
0aD | AuraDefinitionChange | |
0aJ | ManagedContentSpaceRole | |
0aQ | Payment | |
0aS | ClaimParticipant | |
0aa | PaymentMethod | |
0ab | AuraDefinitionBundleInfo | |
0ad | AuraDefinitionInfo | |
0ae | AIPredictionEvent | |
0af | AutoCreationRun | |
0al | CommSubscriptionTiming | |
0am | AudienceMembership | |
0ao | InsurancePolicyParticipant | |
0ap | ManagedContentChannel | |
0aq | ManagedContentSpaceItem | |
0b0 | PaymentGateway | |
0b1 | ComponentInstancePropertyListItem | /ComponentInstancePropListItem |
0b3 | DialerBasicFeatureMetrics | |
0b8 | CustomerProperty | |
0bF | LearningAssignmentProgress | |
0bJ | ManagedContentTypeInfo | |
0bK | CareTaxonomy | |
0bN | HealthcareProviderNpi | |
0bO | HealthcareProviderSpecialty | |
0bP | HealthcareProviderTaxonomy | |
0bQ | RecordActionRecommendation | |
0bR | RecordActionDeploymentContext | |
0bS | HealthcarePractitionerFacility | |
0bT | DashboardComponentSort | |
0bW | InteractionVisibilityRule | |
0bX | CareProviderFacilitySpecialty | |
0bY | HealthcareFacilityNetwork | |
0bZ | LightningSchedulerUsageMetrics | |
0bc | CareSpecialty | |
0bd | CareProgramProduct | |
0be | CareProgramEnrolleeProduct | |
0bf | HealthcarePayerNetwork | |
0bg | CareProgramEnrollmentCard | |
0bh | LightningUriEvent | |
0bi | LightningUriEventStream | |
0bk | CareProgramEligibilityRule | |
0bm | EnrollmentEligibilityCriteria | |
0bn | CareProgramGoal | |
0bo | CareProgramProvider | |
0br | CareRequestExtension | |
0bs | Prompt | |
0bt | PromptVersion | |
0bu | PromptAction | |
0bv | AdminSetupEventStream | |
0by | FlexipageFieldInstance | |
0bz | DialerBasicAudioRecMetrics | |
0c0 | CustomIndexDefinition | |
0c1 | CustomIndexFieldDefinition | |
0c6 | NetworkUserHistoryRecent | |
0cC | LoanApplicationFinancial | |
0cE | BusinessLicense | |
0cF | Award | |
0cH | CommerceIntegrationEvent | |
0cI | AuthorizationForm | |
0cJ | PaymentGatewayProvider | |
0cK | AuthorizationFormConsent | |
0cM | AuthorizationFormDataUse | |
0cN | AuthorizationFormText | |
0cP | LoanApplicationProperty | |
0cQ | CaseGatewayRequest | |
0cS | SurveyResponseUsageMetrics | |
0cT | LoanApplicationTitleHolder | |
0cU | LoanApplicant | |
0cV | LoanApplicantDeclaration | |
0cW | PortalDelegablePermissionSet | /PermissionSetPortalDelegate |
0cY | InsurancePolicyCoverage | |
0ca | ChatterActivity | |
0cb | Refund | |
0cd | ResidentialLoanApplication | |
0ce | CommerceIntegrationResponse | |
0cf | CareSystemFieldMapping | |
0cg | LoanApplicationAsset | |
0ch | LoanApplicationLiability | |
0ci | LoanApplicantIncome | |
0cj | LoanApplicantAddress | |
0ck | LoanApplicantEmployment | |
0cl | ProcessCartPricingEvent | |
0cm | HealthcareProvider | |
0cn | CartPricingResponseEvent | |
0cs | OauthConsumerScope | |
0cu | ManagedContentSpaceLanguage | |
0cv | FlowExecutionEventMetric | |
0cw | ManagedContentVersionLanguage | |
0cx | StrategyContext | |
0d0 | CareProviderSearchableField | |
0d4 | SharingOrgDefaultMetrics | |
0d8 | B2BCommercePkgOrdersUE | |
0dN | CallDisposition | |
0dO | CallDispositionCategory | |
0dR | RefundLinePayment | |
0dU | LensDeveloper | |
0dY | CommSubscriptionConsent | |
0dd | DocumentChecklistItem | |
0dh | WorkerCompCoverageClass | |
0dk | AIPredictionExpression | |
0dn | RecordMergeHistory | |
0do | BusinessMilestone | |
0dq | ClaimItem | |
0dr | OrgDeleteRequest | |
0du | DelegatedAccount | |
0dz | PlatformEventEnrichmentField | |
0e0 | ConsentEvent | |
0e1 | ProfileClientSettings | |
0e2 | LoanApplicantAsset | |
0e4 | FlowExtensionGenericType | |
0e5 | SharingOrgStandardMetrics | |
0e7 | OutboundNetworkConnection | |
0e8 | OutboundNetworkConnProperty | |
0eA | FlowExtensionProcessType | |
0eB | CommSubscriptionChannelType | |
0eC | FlowExecutionErrorEvent | |
0eF | EngagementChannelType | |
0eH | EnhancedEmailTemplate | |
0eK | LoanApplicantLiability | |
0eN | DataflowNotification | |
0eO | AppleDomainVerification | |
0eP | ExecutionPlan | |
0eQ | BusinessProfile | |
0eS | InvoicePostedEvent | |
0eT | MobileEvent | |
0eU | AutoTriageMetrics | |
0eX | SecuritiesHolding | |
0eb | EntityBlacklist | |
0el | DocumentChecklistMetrics | |
0en | Endorsement | |
0eo | CommChannelLayout | |
0ep | CommChannelLayoutItem | |
0eq | CommChannelLayoutMapping | |
0er | SdbStmtIdToSqlIdMap | |
0et | CareProviderAdverseAction | |
0ex | CareProviderSearchConfig | |
0f6 | FlowInterviewLogEntry | |
0fE | FormulaFunctionAllowedType | |
0fL | DataPrepServiceLocator | |
0fP | SourceObjectAttributes | |
0fR | FormulaVariable | |
0fi | CredentialStuffingEvent | |
0fj | CredentialStuffingEventStore | |
0fr | FeedRecommendationInfo | |
0fu | FlowTriggerTypeDefinition | |
0fw | LegalEntity | |
0fy | FlexipageInfo | |
0g0 | InvocableActionGenericType | |
0g2 | UserSetupEntityAccess | |
0g3 | PageContentAssignment | |
0g4 | MobileSecurityUserMetric | |
0g8 | PartyConsent | |
0gP | AssetDowntimePeriod | |
0gR | RecoveryCopyJob | |
0gS | RecoveryFlashback | |
0gU | ManagedContentImportExportJob | |
0ga | MLDataDefinition | |
0gi | InboundNetworkConnection | |
0gl | ManagedContentRecordShare | |
0gp | InboundNetworkConnProperty | |
0gv | CaseArticle | |
0hJ | BulkApiResultEventStore | |
0hK | RecordsetFilterCriteriaRule | |
0hY | ThreatDetectionFeedback | |
0hc | HashtagCount | |
0hd | HashtagDefinition | |
0hn | CallCoachingMediaProvider | |
0hr | RecordsetFilterCriteria | |
0ht | Hashtag | |
0hx | BulkApiResultEvent | |
0hy | CallCoachConfigModifyEvent | |
0iA | SurveyVersionAddlInfo | |
0iJ | ShiftTemplate | |
0iK | SurveyEngagementContext | |
0iR | ProductServiceCampaign | |
0in | KnowledgeableUser | |
0j5 | ApiAnomalyEvent | |
0j6 | ApiAnomalyEventStore | |
0j7 | AppUsageType | |
0j8 | AppUsageAssignment | |
0jd | ManagedContentSpaceResource | |
0jk | ManagedContentDeployment | |
0jl | ManagedContentDeploymentItem | |
0jp | JobProfile | |
0jv | CdnDomain | |
0jx | InteractionScheduledPath | |
0k8 | IdentityProviderEventStore | |
0ka | UserListPreference | |
0kb | ManagedContentExportJobItem | |
0kt | ApexTypeImplementor | |
0mV | SalesWorkQueueSettings | |
0mt | ManagedTopicLocation | |
0n3 | FinanceTransaction | |
0nU | InteractionStageStepAssignee | |
0ns | ProcessNodeSecurity | |
0ob | ShipmentItem | |
0pr | Recommendation | |
0ps | RecommendationReaction | |
0rB | ReportResultBlob | |
0ri | InteractionStageItemParam | |
0rp | RemoteProxy | Remote Site Setting to allow access to an external URL. |
0rs | ChatterAnswersReputationLevel | |
0sa | ChatterAnswersActivity | |
0sg | RecommendationStrategy | |
0sn | RecommendationStrategyNode | |
0sp | ServiceProvider | |
0sr | ScheduledRecommendation | |
0t0 | TagDefinition | |
0tG | TaskGroup | |
0tR | TopicRecordSetting | |
0tS | TopicSuggestionSetting | |
0ta | TopicComputeStatus | |
0te | TopicUserEvent | |
0tg | TopicGroupActivity | |
0tn | TopicNameChange | |
0tr | TrendingTopic | |
0ts | ProcessTransitionSecurity | |
0tu | TopicUserActivity | |
0up | UserPermissionAccess | |
0ur | UserRecSummary | |
0v8 | PlatformEventChannelMember | ChangeDataCaptureEntity |
0wt | ManagedContentSpacePermission | |
0xt | StrategyContextArgument | |
0yp | LearningContentItemProgress | |
0zF | DashboardSnapshotItem | |
0zf | DashboardSnapshotResults | |
100 | UserLicense | |
101 | ExternalString | Custom Label |
102 | FeatureLicense | |
10y | TaskRecurrenceException | |
10z | EventRecurrenceException | |
110 | ObjectPermissions | Doc |
111 | EventComments | |
112 | ProposedEventTime | |
113 | ProposedEventResponse | |
11a | DBCThumbnail | |
128 | LightningMessageField | |
129 | LightningMessageChannel | |
130 | Address | |
131 | Location | |
149 | OpportunitySplitType | |
172 | GenAiFunctionDefinition | |
19i | EmbeddedServiceBranding | |
1AB | CleanAccountBackup | |
1AR | AssetRelationship | |
1CA | AccountCleanInfo | |
1CB | CleanContactBackup | |
1CC | ContactCleanInfo | |
1CF | PathAssistantStepInfo | |
1CL | LeadCleanInfo | |
1CP | PathAssistant | |
1CS | PathAssistantStepItem | |
1DS | DigitalSignature | |
1DW | DigitalWallet | |
1ED | EncryptionStatistics | |
1EF | DataDotComFieldSetting | |
1EH | EncryptionFieldHistoryStatistics | |
1EM | EntityMilestone | |
1EP | EncryptableDataProblem | |
1ES | DataDotComEntitySetting | |
1ET | EncryptionFeedTrackingStatistics | |
1EV | EventType | |
1Ep | EventTypeParameter | |
1FS | CleanFieldSettingOld | |
1GS | ExpressionFilter | |
1HA | FieldHistoryArchive | |
1HB | LoginEvent | |
1HC | PlatformEventMetric | |
1JS | CleanJobSetting | |
1L7 | ComparisonSummary | |
1L8 | ComparisonResult | |
1LB | CleanLeadBackup | |
1LT | LimitsTracker | |
1MA | MaintenanceAsset | |
1MC | MetaMindConnection | |
1MP | MaintenancePlan | |
1Mc | PersonAccountMetrics | |
1NR | NamespaceRegistry | |
1OO | OutOfOffice | |
1OZ | CaseExternalDocument | |
1PI | PaymentIdempotent | |
1PL | PaymentLineInvoice | |
1QQ | BatchApexErrorEvent | |
1QR | ConcurLongRunApexErrEvent | |
1RL | ReleaseUpdateStepLog | |
1RS | ReleaseUpdateStep | |
1RU | ReleaseUpdate | |
1S1 | MenuItem | |
1SA | StampAssignment | |
1SR | ServiceReport | |
1ST | Stamp | |
1Sl | ServiceTerritoryLocation | |
1U7 | AppCapabilityConfig | |
1U9 | LearningUserSummary | |
1V4 | Expense | |
1WK | LinkedArticle | |
1WL | WorkOrderLineItem | |
1XO | ExternalServiceOperation | |
1XP | ExternalServiceParameter | |
1Xl | ExternalServiceListType | |
1Xm | ExternalServiceMapType | |
1Xo | ExternalServiceObjectType | |
1Xp | ExternalServiceProperty | |
1Xt | ExternalServiceDataType | |
1Xx | ExternalServiceSimpleType | |
1YZ | PrivacyConsent | |
1ZE | ComputedComponentMetadata | |
1bm | BranchMerge | |
1br | Branch | |
1cN | MessagingChannelSkill | |
1cb | ChangeListBranch | |
1ci | Integration | |
1cl | ChangeList | |
1cm | ServiceCrewMember | |
1cr | ServiceCrew | |
1dc | MetadataContainer | from the Tooling API |
1de | IDEWorkspace | |
1do | ApexExecutionOverlayAction | |
1dp | IDEPerspective | |
1dr | ContainerAsyncRequest | from the Tooling API |
1gh | GitHubRepositoryLink | |
1gp | GtwyProvPaymentMethodType | /GitHubPushOperation |
1mr | MetadataRevisionTemplate | |
1o1 | LightningToggleMetrics | |
1pm | PartitionLevelMember | |
1ps | PartitionLevelScheme | |
1rX | BriefcaseRule | |
1rY | BriefcaseDefinition | |
1rZ | BriefcaseRuleFilter | |
1rp | Repository | |
1rr | ResetAsyncRequest | |
1s2 | InteractionCollectionProc | |
1sa | StagingArea | |
1te | TimeSheetEntry | |
1ts | TimeSheet | |
1vc | VersionedContentEntity | |
1w1 | ShiftPattern | |
1w2 | ShiftPatternEntry | |
1w5 | AppleEcKey | |
1w6 | LearningContentItem | |
200 | ChunkableTask | |
201 | ChunkableEntityTally | |
202 | ChunkableEntityChunk | |
203 | ChunkableEntityTally2 | |
204 | SfdcPartner | |
205 | ChunkableEntityChunk2 | |
20A | DashboardCompColResult | |
20X | LocationTrustMeasure | |
20Y | ManagedContent | |
20Z | ManagedContentResource | |
21Z | LearningEarnedAward | |
23N | ProductServiceCampaignItem | |
26Z | EmailRelay | |
2AS | ActiveScratchOrg | |
2BM | DataflowTriggerSource | |
2CE | ChunkableTask2 | |
2Ca | CustomHelpMenuItem | |
2Cx | CustomHelpMenuSection | |
2ED | EncryptionStatisticsChunk | |
2EH | EncryptionFieldHistoryStatisticsChunk | |
2EP | EncryptableDataProblemChunk | |
2ET | EncryptionFeedTrackingStatisticsChunk | |
2FE | CleanFactEntityClaim | |
2FF | CleanFactFieldClaim | |
2LA | PermissionSetLicenseAssign | |
2Pd | PermissionDependency | |
2Pe | ProcessException | |
2SB | ApiTaskResult | |
2SR | ScratchOrgInfo | |
2ZC | WaveSyncOut | |
2ai | AIMetric | |
2hf | PersonalizationResource | |
2kA | FinanceBalanceSnapshot | |
2mn | AIError | |
2mp | AIState | |
2oN | ReturnOrder | |
2pc | PackageConversion | |
2wz | TimeSheetTemplate | |
300 | FlowDefinition | InteractionDefinition - Visual Workflow or Flow |
301 | InteractionDefinitionVersion | |
302 | FlowTestCoverage | |
303 | FlowElementTestCoverage | |
307 | InteractionScreenFieldParam | |
308 | InteractionCondition | |
309 | InteractionOperand | |
30A | InteractionAllocator | |
30C | InteractionChoice | |
30D | InteractionDecision | |
30F | InteractionForm | |
30L | InteractionConnector | |
30Q | InteractionQuestion | |
30R | InteractionReference | |
30S | InteractionStatement | |
30T | InteractionDynTypeMapping | |
30V | InteractionVariable | |
30W | InteractionWait | |
30X | ProcessPlugin | |
30a | InteractionAllocation | |
30c | InteractionConstant | |
30d | InteractionDataColumn | |
30e | InteractionWaitEvent | |
30f | InteractionFormula | |
30g | InteractionLayoutGroup | |
30m | InteractionApexCall | |
30p | InteractionWaitEventParam | |
30r | InteractionResource | |
30t | InteractionTodo | |
30v | InteractionValueList | |
310 | InteractionLayoutDetail | |
31A | Subinteraction | |
31C | SubinteractionVariableAssignment | |
31S | InteractionSwitch | |
31V | InteractionFieldValue | |
31c | InteractionChoiceLookup | |
31d | InteractionDataSource | |
31i | InteractionDataInput | |
31o | InteractionDataOutput | |
31v | InteractionValueListEntry | |
31w | InteractionFieldMetaData | |
31x | InteractionStage | |
31y | FlowStageRelation | |
31z | FlowRecordRelation | |
32A | InteractionStart | |
34L | ManagedContentNode | |
365 | FlowElementSubtype | |
39d | InvoiceUsageMetrics | |
3AM | EmbeddedServiceAppointmentSettings | |
3CL | EmbeddedServiceCustomLabel | |
3Ca | ChannelAccountMetrics | |
3DP | EventDeliveryData | |
3DS | EventDelivery | |
3Db | EventDelivery | |
3Df | FlexipageFieldInstanceProperty | |
3Dp | EventDeliveryParam | |
3Er | EmbeddedServiceResource | |
3FC | EmbeddedServiceFlowConfig | |
3FL | EmbeddedServiceFlow | |
3HP | EventSubscriptionHandleData | |
3J5 | ProfileIpRestrictionMetrics | |
3JK | PlatformEventSubscriberConfig | |
3M0 | DataDotComCleanMetrics | |
3M1 | OrgObjectsMetrics | |
3M2 | OrgStandardObjectsMetrics | |
3M3 | ChatterMetrics | |
3M4 | ChatterOrgWideMetrics | |
3M5 | NetworkCustomerLoginMetrics | |
3M6 | NetworkPartnerLoginMetrics | |
3MA | PermissionSetMetricsByOrg | |
3MB | DataDotComSocialMetrics | |
3MC | OpportunityMetrics | |
3MD | ContentMetrics | |
3ME | CustomObjectUsageMetrics | |
3MF | SharingRowCauseMetrics | |
3MG | SharingMetrics | |
3MH | IdeaMetrics | |
3MI | UserDimMetrics | |
3MJ | PermissionSetLicenseMetrics | |
3MK | OpptyAndPricingMetrics | |
3MM | ChatterGroupConMetrics | |
3MN | ChatterUserNetworkMetrics | |
3MO | QuickActionMetrics | |
3MP | ForecastingTypeMetrics | |
3MQ | VisualforceMetrics | |
3MR | EventLogFileMetrics | |
3MS | DataDotComListPoolMetrics | |
3MT | ProcessMetrics | |
3MU | DeclarativePlatformMetrics | |
3MV | SharingUserMetrics | |
3MW | PlatformOrgObjectMetrics | |
3Mi | SharingPortalMetrics | |
3Ml | InteractionLanguageMetrics | |
3Ms | EmbeddedServiceMenuSettings | |
3Mt | InteractionTranslMetrics | |
3N1 | ExtIdentityLoginMetrics | |
3NA | CustomObjectUserLicenseMetrics | |
3NB | LayoutDefinition | |
3NC | DialerMinutesMetrics | |
3NO | OpportunitySplitMetrics | |
3NS | SandboxOrgDimensionMetrics | |
3NT | SandboxDimensionMetrics | |
3NU | DataDotComCleanPrefMetrics | |
3NV | TwoFactorMetrics | |
3NW | NetworkPowerCustomerLoginMetrics | |
3NX | LightningComponentMetrics | |
3NY | ChatterUniqueContributorDailyMetrics | |
3NZ | ChatterActivityDailyMetrics | |
3PP | EventParameterData | |
3PS | EventParameter | |
3PX | ProcessPluginParameter | |
3Pb | EventPublication | |
3Ph | EventPublicationHandle | |
3Pp | EventPublicationParam | |
3Ri | LearningContentProgress | |
3SP | EventSubscriptionData | |
3SR | ShapeRepresentation | |
3SS | EventSubscription | |
3U2 | ActionOverrideInfo | |
3Ys | SetupAssistantStep | |
3ad | FlowVariableView | |
3cd | FlowApexClassDescriptor | |
3dd | FlowDefinitionView | |
3ec | EmbeddedServiceCustomization | |
3la | AnalyticsLicensedAsset | |
3mK | LightningUsageByBrowserMetrics | |
3mi | EmbeddedServiceMenuItem | |
3pc | Product2CriteriaSharingRule | |
3pd | FlowApexClassPropertyDesc | |
3pf | Product2SharingRuleFilterItem | |
3qb | DmUser | |
3qc | DmPermissionSetAssignmentMetrics | |
3qd | DmPermissionSetMetrics | |
3qe | DmProfileMetric | |
3qf | DmUserCustomizationMetrics | |
3qg | DmUserLicenseMetrics | |
3qh | DmUserLoginMetrics | |
3qi | DmUserRoleMetrics | |
3tt | Invoice | |
3uC | ManagedContentNodeRendition | |
3v1 | OrgMetric | |
3vd | FlowVersionView | |
3zl | ExpenseReportEntry | |
400 | ApexClassMember | |
401 | ApexTriggerMember | |
402 | ApexPageMember | |
403 | ApexComponentMember | |
404 | WorkflowRuleMember | |
405 | ValidationRuleMember | |
406 | WorkflowFieldUpdateMember | |
407 | WorkflowTaskMember | |
408 | WorkflowAlertMember | |
410 | WorkflowOutboundMessageMember | |
412 | CustomFieldMember | |
413 | ContentLogMetricsByFileType | |
42C | FlowSaveTrigger | |
48D | LearningAward | |
4A0 | PendingChange | |
4Dr | PromptError | |
4F0 | ApexClassVersion | |
4F1 | ApexTriggerVersion | |
4F2 | ApexPageVersion | |
4F3 | ApexComponentVersion | |
4F4 | CustomFieldVersion | |
4F5 | EntityDefinitionVersion | |
4M5 | NetworkCustomerDailyLoginMetrics | |
4M6 | NetworkPartnerDailyLoginMetrics | |
4NA | CooperSettingsMetrics | |
4NB | SupportOrgWideMetrics | |
4NC | LightningServiceMetrics | |
4ND | UtilityBarMetrics | |
4NW | NetworkPCustDailyLoginMetrics | |
4V3 | WarrantyTerm | |
4Wz | Package2UpgradeExport | |
4XF | BatchApexErrorEventBatchJobId | TBC - The unique ID of the batch job that fired the event from BatchApexErrorEvent.RequestID |
4YL | Image | |
4Zu | AnimationRule | |
4ci | CompactLayoutItemInfo | |
4cl | CompactLayoutInfo | |
4co | SearchLayout | |
4dt | DataType | |
4fe | FieldDefinition | |
4fp | UserFieldAccess | |
4ft | ServiceFieldDataType | |
4hy | MyDomainDiscoverableLogin | |
4ie | EntityDefinition | |
4nK | AssetStatePeriod | |
4nL | AssetAction | |
4nM | AssetActionSource | |
4pb | Publisher | |
4pv | PicklistValueInfo | |
4sr | Service | |
4st | ServiceDataType | |
4sv | ServiceVersion | |
4v2 | ProcessExceptionEvent | |
4ve | ApexPageInfo | |
4ws | WebServiceDefinition | |
4wt | WsdlDataType | |
4xo | AssetWarranty | |
4xs | XmlSchema | |
500 | Case | |
501 | Solution | |
50g | CreditMemo | |
50r | ApiTask | |
550 | Entitlement | |
551 | EntitlementTemplate | |
552 | SlaProcess | |
553 | Milestone | |
554 | SlaProcessFilter | |
555 | CaseMilestone | |
556 | SlaProcessFilterItem | |
557 | MilestoneType | |
558 | MilestoneCondition | |
559 | MilestoneTimeTrigger | |
560 | MilestoneTimeAction | |
561 | MilestoneSuccessAction | |
562 | TimeStop | |
563 | SlaProcessPushRule | |
570 | LiveChatTranscript | |
571 | LiveChatVisitor | |
572 | LiveChatDeployment | |
573 | LiveChatButton | |
574 | QuickText | |
577 | ConversationContextEntry | |
5CS | ChatSession | |
5H0 | ActiveProfileMetric | |
5H1 | ActivePermSetLicenseMetric | |
5H2 | ActiveFeatureLicenseMetric | |
5LH | BriefcaseAssignment | |
5ML | MacroUsage | |
5OU | ManagedContentVersion | |
5Pa | SessionPermSetActivation | |
5QL | QuickTextUsage | |
5Sp | SegmentSpace | |
5TV | InvoiceLine | |
5Uj | ProductWarrantyTerm | |
602 | CURRENCY | |
604 | PLAN | |
605 | PRODUCT | |
607 | PLAN_PRODUCT | |
608 | ForecastShare | |
625 | ProcessPalette | |
62C | LightningUsageByAppTypeMetrics | |
6AA | AssociationQueueItem | |
6AB | EventAssociationItem | |
6AC | MailAssociationItem | |
6AD | TaskAssociationItem | |
6At | PersonalizationTargetInfo | |
6Au | Audience | |
6BX | AIDataDefinition | |
6EB | EngagementHistoryRollup | |
6S9 | AIApplicationConfig | |
6SS | SegmentSpaceChunk | |
6TS | IframeWhiteListUrl | |
6ZC | DashboardComponentReference | |
6e8 | MLField | |
6f3 | InteractionSteppedStageItem | |
6g5 | ExpenseReport | |
6gt | MLPredictionDefinition | |
6mX | OrgMetricScanSummary | |
6pS | PartitionStatus | |
700 | MetadataChangeTemplate | |
701 | Campaign | |
707 | AsyncApexJob | Doc |
708 | BatchApexRelationship | |
709 | ApexTestQueueItem | Doc |
70a | AssetShare | |
70b | AssetOwnerSharingRule | |
70c | AssetCriteriaSharingRule | |
70d | AssetSharingRuleFilterItem | |
710 | LoginIp | |
711 | ApiLoginKey | |
712 | LoginIpEmail | |
713 | ClientBrowser | |
714 | ApexCodeCoverage | |
715 | ApexCodeCoverageAggregate | |
716 | ApexOrgWideCoverage | |
729 | Photo | |
737 | FieldHistory | |
750 | AsyncApiJob | Bulk Query Job |
751 | AsyncApiBatch | Bulk Query Batch |
752 | AsyncApiQueryResult | Bulk Query Result |
753 | TempStore | |
754 | AsyncApiJobOptions | |
766 | UiStyleDefinition | |
777 | UiStyle | |
7Ce | DataflowTrigger | |
7EL | SoftLimitsApiUsageMetrics | |
7Eh | LinkedInLeadGen | |
7Eq | LeadConvertMapping | |
7Er | LightningComponentTarget | |
7FG | ManagedContentTypeSearchBlackList | |
7MM | LightningOnboardingConfig | /LightningOnboarding |
7dR | LearningContent | |
7dl | DebugLevel | |
7fc | MaintenanceWorkRule | |
7iv | SoftwareProduct | |
7ov | NetworkDiscoverableLogin | |
7pV | LightningUsageByFlexiPageMetrics | |
7tf | TraceFlag | |
7tg | S2XGoogleServiceAccount | |
7ud | OauthCustomScope | |
7ue | OauthCustomScopeApp | |
800 | Contract | |
801 | Order | |
802 | OrderItem | |
803 | INVOICE | |
804 | INVOICE_ITEM | |
805 | PAYMENT | |
806 | Approval | |
807 | URI_BLOCK_RULE | |
80D | OrganizationValue | |
810 | ServiceContract | |
811 | ContractLineItem | |
817 | S2XTransaction | |
820 | S2XRecordMap | |
822 | S2XUserMap | |
823 | S2XServiceAccount | |
824 | S2XTransactionLock | |
825 | S2XEventRecordMap | |
828 | ActivityRecurrence2 | |
829 | ActivityExtension | |
82B | ActivityRecurrence2Exception | |
873 | MLModel | |
874 | MLModelMetric | |
876 | MLModelFactor | |
877 | MLModelFactorComponent | |
886 | OauthClientRegistration | |
888 | OauthConsumer | Remote Access |
889 | OauthConsumerAsset | |
8BM | ExpressionFilterCriteria | |
8D3 | RevenueElement | |
8GR | CareDeterminant | |
8Kk | PlatformEventUsageMetric | |
8Z7 | AlternativePaymentMethod | |
8dy | MetricsInMQMetrics | |
8gZ | FlowInterviewLog | |
8gt | MLFilter | |
8lW | ContactPointAddress | |
8wk | DashboardSavedView | |
8yy | ApexTestRunResultMetrics | |
906 | Question | |
907 | Reply | |
910 | QuestionSubscription | |
911 | QuestionReportAbuse | |
912 | ReplyReportAbuse | |
918 | ChatterServiceSiteSetting | |
99Q | LearningRank | |
9BV | PackageBooleanValue | |
9D9 | CustomObjTeamMemberMetric | |
9DV | PackageDateValue | |
9EW | IotActivityLog | |
9EZ | IoTActivityLogEvent | |
9NV | PackageIntegerValue | |
9Pt | ManagedContentNodeRefTree | |
9Pu | ManagedContentSpaceFolder | |
9Px | ManagedContentSpaceFolderMember | |
9Py | ManagedContentFolderLink | |
9UX | OrgDomainLog | |
9V6 | RedirectWhitelistUrl | |
9Vl | ContactPointEmail | |
9XN | GenericContentFolderMember | |
9XP | GenericContentFolder | |
9aM | OrgMetricScanResult | |
9bq | AIInsightFeedback | |
9gd | ServiceSetupProvisioning | |
9jr | StrategyMonthlyStats | |
9qb | AIRecordInsight | |
9qc | AIInsightValue | |
9qd | AIInsightAction | |
9s4 | IPAddressRange | |
9s9 | InteractionCollSortOption | |
9ss | InteractionSteppedStage | |
9tv | PaymentAuthAdjustment | |
9xb | GenericContentFolderItem | |
9xc | AIInsightSource | |
9yZ | LicenseManagementOrgCertificate | |
9yx | CreditMemoLine | |
9zO | MLMigration | |
9zx | PaymentGroup | |
9zz | SqlInfoPfes | |
a00 | CustomObjects | Starts incrementing from a00 |
e00 | PlatformEvents | Starts incrementing from e00 |
h00 | HistoricalTrending | Starts incrementing from h00 |
kA# | KnowledgeArticle | |
ka# | KnowledgeArticleVersion | |
ka0 | Article | Knowledge Article |
m00 | CustomMetadata | Starts incrementing from m00 |
z00 | BigObjects | Starts incrementing from z00 |
X00 | PermissionSet Name | Found in the PermissionSet Name column where the ProfileId is also defined. It matches the ProfileId with the exception of the key prefix. |
CF00N | Custom Field Id used in the query string. | Note the keyprefix isn't actually CF0. In this case "CF" has been appended to the "00N" of the Custom Field Definition. |
See Also:
- Knowledge Article Number: 000005995 - Standard Field Record ID Prefix Decoder
RegEx to validate Salesforce Id
Anonymous Apex to determine type from Id
System.debug(System.LoggingLevel.ERROR, Id.valueOf('0EM100000000111').getSObjectType());
Anonymous Apex to determine keyprefix and List URL from type
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult r = AdBookOrderSynchronizationQueue__c.sObjectType.getDescribe(); System.debug(URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() +'/'+ r.getKeyPrefix() );