Speaker: Darren Wood @darren
WHATWG - HTML5 workgroup. Different to the W3C Ian Hickson Why HTML 5? - Support existing content - Much reduced HEAD. E.g. Don't need to specify JavaScript as the scripting language used in the page. - Less bytes, being more mobile friendly. New Elements article, aside, audio, canvas, command, datalist, details,figure, footer, header, hgroup, keygen, video. header - Replaces common CSS class that appears on the majority of pages. footer - E.g. contains copyright notice. nav Links to other documents. Primary navigation. aside - Related content. Separate to the main content but related. section - A section of a document. Can be nested. E.g chapters of a book. Each section can contain an H1.' article - Similar to a section. Use an article if it could be pulled out of the page and still be meaningful. video - Native video support. - Can have a default image. - Can provide different content for different browser. audio - Very similar to video tag. Forms. New input types. - search - email - url - tel - range - number - date - datetime - datetime-local - time Attributes - placeholder = "enter something here" - autofocus - Required - autocomplete="off" Semantics - Less divs and meaningless markup. Mircoformats.org - Add further information. Can now wrap block level elements in a anchor a Javascript Drag & Drop Canvas - Dynamic images. document.getElementsByClassName('test'); document.querySelectorAll('.testClass'); localStorage - Megabytes of local storage with query syntax Offline Application Cache. - Good for mobile web apps CSS3 Selectors - Substring selector (begins, ends, contains) Pseudo-class - Match odd li elements - li:last child. p:empty p::selected Properties - Vendor Prefixes - opacity - rgba - colour including alpha Multiple background images to one element. Position them separately. Image borders. border-image. border-radius: border-top-right-radius: text-overflow: ellipse; Transforms - Good for roll overs - skew, scale, rotate - fade in and out on hover. @font-face http://typekit.com http://www.fontsquirrel.com https://fonts.google.com/ http://modernizr.com - helps older browsers work with HTML 5. Allows for CSS selectors for determining support level. Also object on the DOM for checking support. http://mediaelementjs.com - script for embedding video and audio http://css3pie.com - http://css3please.com - Shows cross browser versions of markup. http://www.html5test.com - tells HTML support features for current browser. http://www.html5rocks.com - Examples of what is capable. http://html5doctor.com - Write ups on new elements, problems, issues. http://goo.gl/51ma HTML5 schema for Visual Studio 2010.