Apologies that this post is fairly nonsensical. I've put my raw NZ TechEd 2011 notes up here for my reference. I'd like to think that I'll refine them over time, but that probably won't be the case.
Managed Extensibility Framework Standards for exposing yourself Open/Closed Principal It's all so Meta Part Anything that can be imported or exported from a project ComposablePart The basic part of MEF CompositionContainer IOC concept Ask for and instance of a class A framework for creating extensible applications Puts focus on discovery or parts at run time MEF is NOT IoC IOC is about knowing what dependencies satisfy given classes and allowing the class to hand this requirement off. Visual Studio 2010 editor extensibility is built through MEF. Install the Visual Studio SDK VSIX Extension - How it gets packaged up for install
TIP - > File.CloseAllButThis > File.CopyFullPaths > Tools.GoToCommandLine TIP - Ctrl+Shift+A - Add Dialog TIP - Ctrl+, (comma) Navigate To - search by string for methods and classes TIP - Ctrl+\, D - View CodeDefinitionWindow TIP - Intellisense will match on CamelCase. E.g. CC TIP - Insert TracePointOff Topic Portal ringtone "Hello, is anyone there"