Thursday, March 5, 2015

.NET Integration with Salesforce Tooling API Spring 15 (v33.0)

The Spring 15 Salesforce release brings some changes to the Tooling API. From the release notes:

Feature: Metadata namespace
Description: In previous versions of the SOAP Tooling API, metadata type elements were defined in the same namespace as the sObjects of the API, In order to uniquely name these types, the suffix “Metadata” was appended to the metadata types. In this version of the API, a new namespace is introduced,, and the suffix is no longer used. The old names will continue to work with clients against older API endpoints.

You can see the change diffing the v32.0 WSDL with the newer v33.0 WSDL. The metadata ApexClass element from ApexClass is now also called ApexClass and resides in the namespace (with the alias mns.

Having two complexTypes with the same name but different namespaces in the same WSDL creates a bit of a mess with Web References (WSDL.exe) and Service References (SvcUtil.exe).

With a web reference to the WSDL the ApexClass from the Metadata namespace gets the matching name and the ApexClass from the namespace becomes ApexClass1. Not only does this break all the previous code that referenced ApexClass within the Tooling API but it is damn ugly.

    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.34234")]
    public partial class ApexClass : Metadata {
    // ...

    // ...
    [System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "4.0.30319.34234")]
    [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(TypeName="ApexClass", Namespace="")]
    public partial class ApexClass1 : sObject {
        // ...
        private ApexClass metadataField; 
        // ...
        public ApexClass Metadata {
            get {
                return this.metadataField;
            set {
                this.metadataField = value;
        // ...

To be fair, this is an issue with the .NET generation of the classes in different namespaces as much as anything. The same WSDL in the FuseIT version of Wsdl2Apex creates separate Apex classes for each namespace to keep the class definitions distinct.

One brute force way to fix this is to rename the classes after the codegen is complete. Find the ApexClass that inherits from Metadata and rename it to ApexClassMetadata. Then rename ApexClass1 to ApexClass. Rinse and repeat for any other types that derive from Metadata (WorkflowRule1, WorkflowFieldUpdate1, ValidationRule1, Profile1, ...).

It might be possible to use the /namespace: option on SvcUtil.exe to move each WSDL namespace into a separate C# namespace. It doesn't appear that Wsdl.exe has the same option.