Here's a handy practice when making SOAP callouts from Salesforce and handling errors.
When a Callout goes pear-shaped and you get an exception, keep track of the request parameters by doing a JSON serialize and keeping the result in a custom object.
Then in the dev packaging org you can rehydrate the same request by deserializing the JSON from the custom object and making the same callout. Because you are now in a dev org you can see the raw SOAP message in the CALLOUT_REQUEST logging.
string jsonData = [Select ReferenceData__c from Error_Details__c where ID = 'a084000000w6ReO'].ReferenceData__c; // Alternative source from Static Resource. Useful if there is a large amount of data. //string jsonData = [Select Body from StaticResource where Name = 'webrequest' limit 1].Body.ToString(); // Ensure that you have the correct deserialization type or you will get an error like // "Malformed JSON: Expected '{' at the beginning of object" SoapWebService.Order order = (SoapWebService.Order)JSON.deserialize(jsonData, SoapWebService.Order.class); SoapWebService.ServiceCredential credential = new SoapWebService.ServiceCredential(); SoapWebService.BasicHttpBinding_IConnectNS service = new SoapWebService.BasicHttpBinding_IConnectNS(); service.UpdateOrder(credential, order);

From there you can take the raw SOAP request over to something like SOAP UI to debug it further.
See also: