This is a quick prototype to pull a CSV out of a Document blob stored in Salesforce and render it in a table via Visualforce. It borrows heavily from the CSV parser by Marty Chang linked at the end of the post.
Parts are a bit rough around the edges. E.g. It is missing standard error checking.
/** * Slightly modified CSV parser * Originally by MARTY Y. CHANG: * */ public with sharing class CsvReader { /** * Comma String as defined by IETF RFC 4180. */ public static final String ParserCOMMA = String.fromCharArray(new List<Integer> { 44 }); /** * Carriage return String as defined by Salesforce documentation. * * IDE Library > * Apex Developer's Guide > * Language Constructs > * Data Types > * Primitive Data Types */ public static final String ParserCR = '\r'; /** * Double-quote String as defined by Salesforce documentation. * * IDE Library > * Apex Developer's Guide > * Language Constructs > * Data Types > * Primitive Data Types */ public static final String ParserDQUOTE = '\"'; /** * Line feed String as defined by Salesforce documentation. * * IDE Library > * Apex Developer's Guide > * Language Constructs > * Data Types > * Primitive Data Types */ public static final String ParserLF = '\n'; /** * Carriage return String followed by a line feed String. */ public static final String ParserCRLF = ParserCR + ParserLF; /** * Line feed String followed by a carriage return String. */ public static final String ParserLFCR = ParserLF + ParserCR; /** * Escaped double-quotes per IETF RFC 4180. */ public static final String ParserDQUOTEDQUOTE = ParserDQUOTE + ParserDQUOTE; /** * Returns a List containing Lists of Strings that represents * the values contained in an IETF RFC 4180-compliant CSV file. * * Each element in the outer list represents a row in the CSV file. * Each element in the inner list is the value in the field specified * by the row-column combination. * * @param file the CSV file to read * @return the List<List<String>> containing values read from the * CSV file */ public static List<List<String>> readIETFRFC4180CSVFile(Blob file) { String fileString = file.toString(); if (!fileString.endsWith(ParserCRLF)) { fileString = fileString + ParserCRLF; } List<List<String>> fileValues = new List<List<String>>(); List<String> rowValues = new List<String>(); CSVValue csvValue = new CSVValue(); Boolean eod = false; // Whether end of CSV data is reached while (!eod) { System.debug(fileString); csvValue = readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(fileString); rowValues.add(csvValue.value); if (csvValue.delimiter == ParserCRLF) { fileValues.add(rowValues); System.debug(rowValues); if (fileValues.size() > 0) { System.assertEquals(fileValues.get(0).size(), rowValues.size()); } rowValues = new List<String>(); } if (csvValue.biteSize() == fileString.length()) { eod = true; } else { fileString = fileString.substring(csvValue.biteSize()); } } return fileValues; } /** * Returns the first String value read from a String representation of * data contained in an IETF RFC 4180-compliant CSV file. * * The data is assumed to be terminated with a CRLF. * * @param data the textual CSV data in one long string * @return the first CSV value read from <code>data</code>. * null is returned if no value is discerned. */ public static CSVValue readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(String data) { System.assert(data.endsWith(ParserCRLF)); CSVValue csvValue = new CSVValue(); if (data.startsWith(ParserDQUOTE)) { csvValue.enclosed = true; Integer searchIndex = 1; // starting index to search Integer dquoteIndex = -1; // index of DQUOTE Integer dquotesIndex = -1; // index of DQUOTEDQUOTE Boolean closerFound = false; while (!closerFound) { dquoteIndex = data.indexOf(ParserDQUOTE, searchIndex); dquotesIndex = data.indexOf(ParserDQUOTEDQUOTE, searchIndex); System.assert(dquoteIndex != -1); if (dquoteIndex == dquotesIndex) { searchIndex = dquotesIndex + ParserDQUOTEDQUOTE.length(); } else { closerFound = true; } } csvValue.value = data.substring( ParserDQUOTE.length(), dquoteIndex) .replaceAll(ParserDQUOTEDQUOTE, ParserDQUOTE); Integer commaIndex = data.indexOf(ParserCOMMA, dquoteIndex); Integer crlfIndex = data.indexOf(ParserCRLF, dquoteIndex); if (commaIndex != -1 && commaIndex < crlfIndex) { csvValue.delimiter = ParserCOMMA; } else { csvValue.delimiter = ParserCRLF; } } else { csvValue.enclosed = false; Integer commaIndex = data.indexOf(ParserCOMMA); Integer crlfIndex = data.indexOf(ParserCRLF); if (commaIndex != -1 && commaIndex < crlfIndex) { csvValue.value = data.substring(0, commaIndex); csvValue.delimiter = ParserCOMMA; } else { csvValue.value = data.substring(0, crlfIndex); csvValue.delimiter = ParserCRLF; } } System.debug('Returning: ' + csvValue); return csvValue; } /** * CSVValue is a class structure containing information about a CSV * value that was read from a CSV file, including such information as * whether the value was encapsulated in double-quotes. */ private class CSVValue { /** * The field value that was read from the CSV file. */ public String value; /** * Whether the value was surrounded by double-quotes. */ public Boolean enclosed; /** * The comma or CRLF delimiter that identified the end of the CSV value. */ public String delimiter; /** * Default constructor, setting all members to null. */ public CSVValue() { this(null, null, null); } /** * Constructor. * * @param value the field value * @param enclosed whether the value was surrounded by double-quotes * @param delimiter the delimiter that identified the end * of the CSV value */ public CSVValue(String value, Boolean enclosed, String delimiter) { this.value = value; this.enclosed = enclosed; this.delimiter = delimiter; } /** * Returns the number of characters to remove from the data * String which produced the CSVValue in order to reach the next * value in the data String. */ public Integer biteSize() { Integer biteSize = value .replaceAll(ParserDQUOTE, ParserDQUOTEDQUOTE).length() + delimiter.length(); if (enclosed) { biteSize += ParserDQUOTE.length() * 2; } System.debug('biteSize: ' + biteSize); return biteSize; } /** * Returns whether a CSVValue has the same <code>value</code> and * <code>enclosed</code> as another CSVValue. */ public Boolean equals(CSVValue compCSVValue) { return this.value.equals(compCSVValue.value) && this.enclosed == compCSVValue.enclosed && this.delimiter == compCSVValue.delimiter; } /** * Asserts that two <code>CSVValue</code> instances have the same * <code>value</code> and <code>enclosed</code>. */ public void assertEquals(CSVValue compCSVValue) { System.assertEquals(value, compCSVValue.value); System.assertEquals(enclosed, compCSVValue.enclosed); System.assertEquals(delimiter, compCSVValue.delimiter); } } /** * Test some use cases for reading IETF RFC 4180-compliant CSV values. */ /* TODO: Move to a separate class public static testMethod void readIETFRFC4180CSVValueTest() { String data = null; // Placeholder for data to use in testing. System.debug(data = ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('', false, ParserCRLF) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = '""' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('', true, ParserCRLF) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = '"",asdf' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('', true, ParserCOMMA) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = ',asdf' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('', false, ParserCOMMA) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = '"' + ParserCRLF + '",blah' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue(ParserCRLF, true, ParserCOMMA) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = '"""marty""","""chang"""' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('"marty"', true, ParserCOMMA) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = '"com""pli""cate' + ParserCRLF + 'd"' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('com"pli"cate' + ParserCRLF + 'd', true, ParserCRLF) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); System.debug(data = 'asdf' + ParserCRLF); new CSVValue('asdf', false, ParserCRLF) .assertEquals(readIETFRFC4180CSVValue(data)); } */ }
public with sharing class ViewCsvController { public List<string> header_row { get; set; } public Map<integer, List<string>> row_map { get; set; } public ViewCsvController() { // Sample data that can be used if there isn't a document available. /* header_row = new List<string>{'Column 1', 'Column 2'}; row_map = new Map<integer, List<string>>(); row_map.put(1, new List<string>{'AAA', 'BBB'}); row_map.put(2, new List<string>{'CCC', 'DDD'}); */ Id documentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('docId'); if(documentId == null) { documentId = '015400000000001'; } List<Document> docs = [Select Id, Body from Document where Id = :documentId]; // TODO: Check that the list is not empty. List<List<String>> fileValues = CsvReader.readIETFRFC4180CSVFile(docs[0].Body); header_row = fileValues[0]; row_map = new Map<integer, List<string>>(); for(integer i = 1; i < fileValues.size(); i++) { row_map.put(i, fileValues[i]); } } }
<apex:page showHeader="true" sidebar="true" controller="ViewCsvController"> <table border="1"> <tr> <apex:repeat value="{!header_row}" var="h_col"> <td><b>{!h_col}</b></td> </apex:repeat> </tr> <apex:repeat value="{!row_map}" var="idx"> <tr> <apex:repeat value="{!row_map[idx]}" var="r_col"> <td>{!r_col}</td> </apex:repeat> </tr> </apex:repeat> </table> </apex:page>
See also:
- Code Samples: Parse a CSV with APEX
- MARTY Y. CHANG: IETF RFC 4180-compliant CSV Reader for Salesforce
- Display CSV data on a Visualforce page