Another roundup of some of the changes to the FuseIT SFDC Explorer since the 3.9.18190.1 release.
Bypass sObject types based of suffix to speed up metadata retrieval
With the update to v45.0 of the APIs there is now describe metadata coming back for change data capture with the suffix __ChangeEvent
. This can be useful, except every custom object also gets a change event. If you have a large number of custom objects it can quickly become overwhelming.
I've added a filter option to the sObject metadata browser that defaults to only showing __c, __mdt, and __e. Other options can be turned on if you want to see them. A refresh is required for the changes to take affect.
Expanded Asynchronous Test Results view
After the async tests have finished running you will set the total duration by Apex class and method. This can be useful for identifying which test methods contribute the most to the overall test run time.
Expose the logging levels in the menu
You can alter the current logging levels for the current DebugLevel and then use "Update Current TraceFlag" to apply them to Salesforce.
The "Disable Logging" menu option will remove the current TraceFlag, which will stop further logging from occurring.
There have been a number of changes to the Wsdl2Apex processing to support more edge cases:
- Allow for schema imports via schema imports (nested imports). Includes checks for circular references.
- If the complex type can't be found in the current schema search the imported schema for it.
- If a SimpleType has a restriction that isn't primitive then search the underlying types for the primitive type that can be converted to Apex.
- Detect repeated imported schema target namespaces
- Use common code to create Apex class names from complex types.
- Add generated Apex comments to classes that extend a base type.
- Attempt to compile the XmlSchema to resolve groups so they can be automatically expanded.
- Include warning messages on web methods where the return type can't be resolved from the namespace.
Include Apex class name in code coverage breakdown
The Apex class name and test method name will be included with the class coverage breakdown details.
JWT Authentication for Salesforce sessions
It is now possible to use the OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token flow to authenticate with Salesforce. I'll expand on the steps to do this shortly, which will include configuring the connected app and registering the X509 Certificate.
Other changes 3.11
- Middle click to hide tab. Improve tab hiding.
- Improve support for using the ToolingAPI in the EntityViewer.
- If directly updating a nullable int in the SOQL results treat it as such (rather than a string)
- Format a VF_PAGE_MESSAGE in the log timeline
- Format display of ApexResult and HeapDump from the Tooling API SOQL Queries.
- Allow for a CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator other than ":". Force the SOQL building code to use the InvarientCulture so the required format is applied.
- Update core SalesforceSession to use v45.0 (Spring 19) APIs
- For the Apex Log Stack, include the Soql Execute Count
- Option to run the most recent async test cases again after a successful metadata deployment.
- EntityViewer - Allow for ToolingAPI entities.
- Event Log Viewer. Only show the first 4000 rows of data.
- Log Timeline control. Show icons for Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest() if they are detected.
- Handle failure to query for recent apex test runs.
- When generating anonymous Apex to get the current Session ID include the SalesforceBaseUrl
- Code Generation - If generating without custom fields, exclude picklist values containing "__". These typically represent relationships to custom sObjects
Detect and skip duplicate picklist value entries.
Fix the generated properties for *Picklist to set based on the enum value rather than the description attribute.
Detect references to sObjects that aren't exposed via the metadata. - Regenerate sObjects (plus associated services and data sources) for API v44.0.
- CodeGeneration - If configured, exclude relationships to custom fields. Don't generate types for __ChangeEvent, __History, __Share
- CodeGeneration - generate "extends" for Apex classes extending other classes. Expand details for WebServiceCallout.invoke with comments.
- ApexClass (for generation) - Track if the Apex classes extends a base class.
- FieldService - When extracting child elements from a query result skip nodes that aren't XmlElements.
- ToolingServiceWrapper - Add describeGlobalCached() that caches describeGlobal() to improve performance.
- SalesforceSession - If an exception occurs with a WebRequest include the complete URL in the Exception.Data
- Internal caching of the Tooling API DescribeGlobalResult Metadata
- Auto-size columns in SOSL & single page SOQL results
- Improve usage of direct Csv loading. Support bulk load for larger operations. Allow the primary sObject type to be defined.
- Change the Apex log layout with the treeview between horizontal and vertical.
- Define logging levels via common menu, Handle hitting the maximum debug log count
- Capture SSL/TLS config issues and provide help link to dedicated help page.
- When checking metadata deployment successes, highlight changed components vs. unchanged.