Presenter: Gus Pickering, Sam Langley and Zach Hitchcock
Application Experience Review (AER) was used for early apps. Highly recommended to go through if you can. Expression Encoder for screen captures. Include a privacy policy and a support email address. Typically use 7+ for the age limit unless there is a reason to set it lower. No more browser compatibility issues (with JavaScript Windows Apps). If it works for me, it'll work for everyone. The Windows UI Design Language - Learn the language - Put users first - content before chrome - Know your content - Use the grid wisely - Good typography is very powerful The Grid Fundamental to organise information. Many different ways to imply a grid, color, size, proximity, shape, Interaction Animation enhances comprehension Stay Simple, but clever Information Architecture User Experience Make your hit areas bigger Snapped view is important Include portrait (unless good reasons not to) Use semantic zoom Design Use colour, contrast and size Panning Windows UI is a horizontal world Don't forget about portrait. Skeuomorphism - making things look like their real world counterpart. Offers a shallow learning curse for users but you are also modelling the constraints Use spatial dimensions not available in the real world. But sometimes a button needs to be lickable. Media queries make the browser engine do the hard work. CSS3 Layout and Typography Grid Layout display: -ms-grid; Flexbox display: -ms-flexbox; Floats done the right way. Multi column layout Exclusions -ms-wrap-flow:both JavaScript Libraries Underscore Will probably contain unnecessary compatibility code. Test Use a second portrait monitor test orientation. Learning JavaScript as a programming language JavaScript: The Good Parts. Douglas Cockford. Avoid: Sams Tech Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours Useful Tools: Visual Studio 2012 - JavaScript Console, DOM Exporer, Simulator Fiddler, - Composer - send Get/Put requests to a URL Manually put in values, - AutoResponder - fiddler intercepts and responds with your predefined response Javascript libraries - Underscore.js - Give functions similar to linq queies in JavaScript JavaScript - Mozilla Developer Reference Be disciplined with conventions and testing to avoid issues due to lack of typing system. Write defensive code for type checking.