The new v2.5 release of the FuseIT SFDC Explorer has some new features.
Reporting the rolling 24 hour API Requests
In addition to the existing tracking of API calls made for the duration of the session the rolling 24 hour API usage and limit will be reported:

Monitoring Asynchronous Test execution and results
When running the automated test cases I usually care first and foremost about any tests that are failing. If anything is failing the other tests that passed are just noise.
The developer console, as at Spring 15, gives a tree control that shows the test classes and the status of the individual methods. To view any individual errors you need to bring up the table view for the entire test run.
You can also view the same data under Setup > App Setup > Develop > Apex Test Execution.
I've taken elements of each of these views and reworked them a bit to highlight any failed tests. Anything that passed is hidden away under an initially collapsed node. Selecting an individual failed test will show both the error message and the stack trace. You can reselect individual test class and use them to start a new test run for just those classes.
List of Apex Classes with coverage
Several releases ago Salesforce removed the really useful Code Coverage column from the Apex Classes page. The idea to add it back in was rejected based on no having to maintain it in both places. See Ideas: Put back Code Coverage column to Apex Classes and Apex Triggers page
I found it to be a super useful column as you could sort the Apex Classes by size (Number of characters excluding comments) and then get an indication of which classes needed the most additional code coverage. I.e. find the biggest class by size with the lowest code coverage. Improving the coverage on this class will give you the biggest overall code coverage improvement.