Another roundup of some of the changes to the FuseIT SFDC Explorer since the 3.13.20008.1 release.
Display the primary sObject type for a SOQL query in the executed units
When looking at the "Show Executed Units" for a debug log that includes SOQL queries there is a new "SOQL Primary sObject" column. This makes it easier to sort the SOQL queries in the transaction by the sObject they were operating over.
There is also a new context menu option in the executed units area to filter the main log view to just the selected events.
Other changes include tracking Flow executed units and SOQL Total Rows metrics from debug logs.
Add the MetadataComponentDependency API calls via the Bulk API 2.0
Previously the Metadata Dependencies tab was limited by the underlying MetadataComponentDependency API only supporting queries over 2,000 records in a single query. Switching to the bulk API expands this out to 100,000 dependency records.
There is also a new experimental graph format called "Microsoft Automatic Graph". This will use a built in graph layout tool. It is no where near as powerful as Gephi, but it is built in and allows you to gradually build the graph up. E.g. try starting with a single ID against "Where is it used" and then using the context menus to expand the graph incrementally.
Rebuilt login and authentication controls.
The various login and authentication controls that are displayed on app startup have a more consistent UI. For example, they have a consistent Login button.
Other changes 3.15
- Update SalesforceSession so that all APIs are working against v49.0 - Summer 20
- Apex logging - add SOQL_EXECUTE_EXPLAIN Log event
- Update SOQLResult column names when the defaultNamespace is defined. Includes first level relationship fields.
- SFDCExplorer: Executed Units Context Menu to set Apex Log filter
- SFDCExplorer: Show a message if there are issues showing an individual entity
- SFDCExplorer: Support for flow log message types. Guard against debug logs with recursive search depth that is too great.
- SFDCExplorer: Exception Handling when showing reports.
- wsdl2apex: Warn if the schemaTypeName is missing.
- SFDCExplorer: Expand Graph search ability
- SFDCExplorer: Format VF_ log events in the timeline Handle deeply nested log structures to prevent stack overflows.
- SFDCExplorer: Format byte size of log. Handling clicking a record ID in the log that doesn't exist in the current org. Option to format Callout requests in the debug log.
- SFDCExplorer: Ensure the popup window that shows SOQL sub query results has a unique name so that the caching key is unique.
- Tooling API. Check access to the DebugLevel metadata before attempting to query it.
- SFDCExplorer: always prompt for directory to save metadata to.
- Update All API versions to Spring 2020 (v48.0)
- SFDCExplorer: Update .NET Framework version to 4.7.2 and add support for scaling to high DPI monitors.
- SFDCExplorer: Update to cs31623 to allow for variation in the instanceUrl provided by the SFDX CLI
- SFDCExplorer: Auto expand the test class search node when searching. Detect test classes in the queued state
- SFDCExplorer: Export the results of a Bulk CSV load. This is useful if there where errors with the operation on individual records.
- SFDCExplorer: Log metrics for callouts
- Tooling API: Correct updating the log levels on TraceFlags