Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nelson .NET User Group Presentation - Building fast and scalable websites with ASP.NET and SQL Server - 11th of March

Upcoming presentation

Rick Kiessig will be giving a presentation on Wednesday the 11th of March. Rick worked at Microsoft in Silicon Valley for six years as a Solutions Architect, before moving to Nelson two years ago, where he is now working as a consultant.

Building fast and scalable websites with ASP.NET and SQL Server

Overview of high-impact performance optimization principles that can be applied to all components that affect your website's performance, from the browser to the database. Hear about how browsers process a page and how you can use that information to decrease page load times. Learn how to achieve high-performance, end-to-end caching, along with several tricks that can dramatically improve the performance and scalability of ASP.NET and SQL Server.

Useful links:

Wednesday 11th March 2009
Gather at 11:50 am, starting at 12:00 pm.
Approximately 1 hour plus pizza afterwards.

FuseIT Ltd,
Ground Floor,
7 Forests Rd,
(Off Nayland Rd and behind Carters)


If you are parking on site, please use the parks marked FuseIT that are at the back of the site.

A Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 5000

Catering: Pizza & Drinks
Door Charge: Free

RSVP to me if you are going to attend so I can guesstimate the food and drink requirements.

However, feel free to turn up on the day though if you can't commit at the moment.

Please feel free to invite anyone who may be interested in attending.

New Zealand Community SharePoint Conference

Planning has started for the New Zealand Community SharePoint Conference on 2/3 July 2009 (tentative dates) in Wellington.

You can register your interest in attending, speaking or sponsoring here: http://www.sharepointusergroup.net.nz/SPCONF/default.aspx