Sunday, August 28, 2011

DEV204 Tools I use to improve my development

John-Daniel Trask
Apologies that this post is fairly nonsensical. I've put my raw NZ TechEd 2011 notes up here for my reference. I'd like to think that I'll refine them over time, but that probably won't be the case.


Adds interim language support until Visual Studio catches up.
Settings can be shared across teams of developers.

Productivity Power Tools
VC Commands 2010
Devexpress Code Rush
Telerik Just Code

VS 2010 Extension Manager

Mindscape Web Workbench

Add Sass, Less & CoffeeScript support to VS2010

"See old friend, I brought better code than you did"

Web Standards Update for VS2010

Adds support for HTML5 & CSS 3 to VS 2010 SP1
 Browser API (GeoLocation, Local Storage)


Manage common packages and dependencies for your projects

Right click on references and manage nuget packages. Can update installed packages.

"We've built a deal a day website because they are very rare and hard to come by."

Team City

Continuous Integration Server

Chrome Developer Tools

IE Dev Tools

Chrome - developed by the chrome team. Updated every week.

"Pretty Print" to reformat compressed javascript.
$0 - currently selected dom item