Sunday, August 28, 2011

DEV309 - Visual Studio vNext Directions

Anothony Borton @anthonyborton
Apologies that this post is fairly nonsensical. I've put my raw NZ TechEd 2011 notes up here for my reference. I'd like to think that I'll refine them over time, but that probably won't be the case.
What's New in ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Web Developer 11 Developer Preview
TFS in the cloud

Actionable feedback - Enough information to fix the bug straight away. Stack holder
Respect your work styles - plug and play setup.
Transparent agile processes - See what people are doing.

Actionable Indident
- Eliminate "no-repro: bugs was a cornerstone of Visual Studio 2010
- IntelliTrace Diagnostic Data Adapter

IntelliTrace in production using powershell commands - start for an application pool
Requires Visual Studio Ultimate

Prototyping the User Interface

Business Stackholders aren't very good at describing how they want the interface to look until after the screens have been built.

Storyboard assistant tool
Plug in for powerpoint

Managing the Backlog

See the backlog of tasks Use the TFS portal to reprioritze tasks for the current iteration.

Sprint Planning

Dealing with sick/annual leave.

Capacity by person view

Personalised Productivity

Context Switching is expensive for developers.

Code reviews are critical to delivering high quality software.

Duplication in code is a form of technical debt.
Copy and paste - the Google coder.

My Work - at a glance all the work assigned in TFS and in progress.

Suspend work - shelve work to TFS and restore windows and breakpoint to how they were. Help with context switching.

Unit test explorer - And plugin unit testing framework of choice. Faster access to test cases and failures.

Rich code review experience. - Request Review - assign to one of more people.
Inline diff viewer
Inline Review comments from reviewer.

Code clone - searches for blocks of code that may be similar. Identify areas to refactor. Can select block of text and search for exact and similar matches.

Stackholder feedback

"Questionable requirement clarity"

Feedback from stakholders outside of emails. Feedback client to be used by customers.

Capture comments and screenshots during review.

Operational Support

System Centre Operations Manager